Super Junior’s Kim Heechul confessed that he didn’t want to be an idol all his life: “It’s not my life, I will lose my happiness!” When criticized: “Don’t worry, you are no longer a long time ago.”

(Cover picture source: YouTube @Cho Hyun-ah’s Thursday night picture, IG @kimheenim)

Last night’s YT talk show “Jo Hyun Ah’s Thursday Night”invited Super Junior members Kim Heechul and Yesung as guests. Unexpectedly, their remarks about idol careers aroused discussion.

Kim Heechul said, “When I was in my 20s, I would want to kiss myself when I saw myself in the mirror. I would feel super cute and happy when I performed on any stage. But now that I am older, I feel embarrassed.”He also praised his teammates for being amazing: “The members are really handsome, and now that they are in their 40s, it’s really not easy to manage like this.”

(Photo source: YouTube@Cho Hyun-ah’s Thursday Night Fighter)

Kim Heechul revealed that he and Yesung have opposite views on being an idol. Yesung believes that since he is debuting as an idol, he should continue to maintain his identity and image as an idol even in his 50s and 60s, let alone the 40s. But Kim Heechul wants to break away from his idol status: “Idol is just my career, not my life.”

(Photo source: YouTube@Cho Hyun-ah’s Thursday Night Fighter)

MC Cho Hyun Ah said that she had a period when she was dissatisfied with her appearance, but she felt better after accepting the reality. She hopes that Kim Heechul can also accept his aging appearance. Kim Heechul: “But it’s not easy. Because fans like me for my appearance and temperament in my 20s, I can’t maintain this image. Although I just need to quit drinking and carbohydrates, I don’t have confidence and feel that I will lose my happiness.””

(Photo source: YouTube@Cho Hyun-ah’s Thursday Night Fighter)

This speech caused criticism from many netizens: “Then don’t do it.””Now he is no longer an idol, but a TV artist.””I think he has given up on being an idol long ago.””Who still remembers that he is an idol? Worry. “Isn’t this uncle a YouTuber?””40s variety show uncle””I became an idol by relying on my natural appearance. Now I don’t want to work hard and use my age as an excuse to find a more comfortable way. It’s good to quit the group. You don’t have to express yourself all the time.””Dissatisfied””Yesung has a great mind, strict self-management, and never gets into trouble.”

Some people also spoke up for Kim Heechul: “Just reading the text, I think it’s just a confession… maybe because the image has deteriorated.””To be honest, SJ should give up on Kim Heechul. Fans and people involved have accepted it, but the members can’t let go.”. .”

(Photo source; IG@kimheenim)

In addition, Kim Heechul debuted as a member of Super Junior in 2005. In 2006, he suffered a serious car accident and his left leg was almost completely broken, leaving leg pain as a sequela. As he got older, the pain became more and more painful and he was afraid to stand on the stage. In 2019, he revealed that he had apologized to the SJ members, thinking that he was holding them back and wanted to launch, but his teammates comforted him that all he had to do was show up and say hello. The sincere friendship accumulated over the years was touching.

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