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Surprising New Sightings Fuel Ongoing 7-Year Rumors About Kim Jong-kook’s Girlfriend

Surprising New Sightings Fuel Ongoing 7-Year Rumors About Kim Jong-kook’s Girlfriend

On October 30, the MBC program “Stingy Man” showcased reports of Kim Jong-kook being spotted in California.

There have long been persistent rumors regarding him dating a Korean-American woman in Los Angeles. These speculations first emerged in 2017 when Cha Tae-hyun hinted, “I’m convinced Kim Jong-kook has a girlfriend in the States,” adding with skepticism, “He wouldn’t visit America solely with his mother.”

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Later, fellow cast members of “Running Man” pointed out Kim Jong-kook’s frequent trips to the U.S. A viewer from LA claimed to have spotted him alongside “an extraordinarily attractive woman.” In a light-hearted manner, Kim Jong-kook retorted, “I may end up suing Cha Tae-hyun for this. It’s simply not true,” but Jeong Hyung-don got everyone’s attention by speculating, “He’s been seeing Victoria,” alluding to the alleged American girlfriend. Kim Jong-kook’s surprised reaction, “Just be quiet,” prompted a round of laughter.

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In September, Kim Sook prompted Kim Jong-kook, who often makes trips to the U.S., with a question, “Doesn’t Kim Jong-kook have a wife and kids over there?” He clarified, “I usually bring my parents with me for my performances.”

Kim Sook wittily suggested, “So you do have a daughter,” to which Kim Jong-kook responded, “My daughter is about to start college. She’s going to UCLA,” further explaining, “I also have a son; he’s in LA. My daughter is attending UCLA. Detail-oriented rumors say she’s a senior.” He appeared somewhat weary of the incessant speculation, claiming, “I often travel to the U.S. with my mother, but the original rumor was stemmed from Cha Tae-hyun’s comments.” Tiffany additionally affirmed seeing Kim Jong-kook in LA.

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During the recent episode of “Stingy Man,” Harimu disclosed, “I actually ran into Kim Jong-kook in California,” igniting excitement among the hosts. Rather than showing annoyance, Kim Jong-kook appeared surprised while steering the discussion away. The ongoing rumors of a secret marriage implying he has a wife and children in LA continue to create buzz.

Source: Daum


Image Credits: Kbizoom.com

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