“Sweet Home 3” Review: Unnecessary Brutal Scenes, Tiring to Watch

On July 19, Netflix shared new images from ‘Sweet Home 3‘.

Despite the world’s collapse due to monsterization, Eun-yoo (Go Min-si) returns to the stadium after leaving it. The effort to restore the consciousness of Cha Hyun-soo (Song Kang), who has been transformed into a monster, persists. Nam Sang-won, now inhabiting Pyeon Sang-wook’s (Lee Jin-wook) body, sets his sights on recruiting a child (Kim Si-ah) with extraordinary abilities. Seo Yi-kyung (Lee Si-young), whose mind has been taken over by monsters, faces an intense internal battle. Meanwhile, Sergeant Kim (Kim Mu-yeol) cautiously confronts Eun-hyuk (Lee Do-hyun).

sweet home 3

The initial four episodes of “Sweet Home 3” released to the media were extensive and showcased the hard work put into wrapping up the expanded story from the previous season. However, there are lingering concerns about the utilization of characters and the progression of the plot. Despite the promise of resolving foreshadowing from season 2, the execution falls short. The numerous characters introduced in the previous season are not given enough significance, and even the main characters, Cha Hyun-soo and Eun-hyuk, are not fully utilized. The visuals remain striking, but some brutal scenes may be too intense for viewers, causing discomfort.

Despite Season 1 receiving praise for its skillful execution of the theme of desires being embodied as monsters, the development of character relationships, individual storylines, and the portrayal of human struggles in times of crisis without any unnecessary elements, the following seasons appear to have strayed from the core essence of “Sweet Home” . While Season 2 primarily revolved around setting up foreshadowing, Season 3 seems solely focused on resolving it. However, anticipation remains for the later episodes to become more captivating with the reunion of Eun-hyuk, Eun-yoo, and Hyun-soo in Episodes 5 and beyond.

During the production presentation on the 17th, Director Lee Eung-bok expressed, “We aimed to approach the story from a new angle and focus on its essence. Season 3 embodies the valuable feedback we received and is definitely something to anticipate.”

Is Sweet Home Worth Watching?

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If you enjoyed the plot of Eun-hyuk and Eun-yoo in the first season, you’ll be pleased to witness their reunion in the third season. Despite the departure of many original characters, this reunion brings back feelings of nostalgia from the first season. For those who were left dissatisfied with the second season, the third season may offer some answers. Additionally, the enhanced visual effects in comparison to the previous season are worth mentioning.

Should You Skip Sweet Home?

Despite the focus on change, episodes 1-4 still evoke a sense of familiarity with season 2. While the intent may be to tie up loose ends, the end result falls short of feeling like a satisfying resolution. The erratic plot development erodes the unique traits of the characters. With the absence of a captivating narrative, the only lasting impact are the graphic and intense scenes. The initial episodes (1-2) of the new season, in particular, are filled with violence that can make the series exhausting to watch.

The information was originally published on Nate’s website here.

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