“Sweet Home” “Youth in May” Gao Minxu in Taiwan! Sweet shout “A place like first love, my first Taiwan”

(Cover image source: Threads@gominsi, IG@gominsi)

Gao Minxu, who has starred in the popular Korean dramas “Sweet Home”and “Youth in May”, was invited to participate in a brand event today (27th), and arrived in Taiwan yesterday (26th). Instagram has exposed many photos and good moods in a limited time.

Gao Minxu first posted a number of airport photos taken by Korean media and wrote “See you in Taiwan!”A few hours later, he posted photos of street scenes in Taiwan familiar to Taiwanese, writing “The original Taiwanese youth movie I have seen”and checked in. In Taipei, there are also photos of myself walking on the streets and visiting bakeries. The YouBikes, tour buses, and traditional Chinese signboards in the photos all make Taiwanese feel very close to the people.


Gao Minxuan also posted many photos on Threads, ranging from selfies on the plane, street selfies to food images, and wrote “A place like first love, my first Taiwan/Hello Taiwan!”, you can feel her happy mood . Netizens recommended Taiwanese delicacies in the comments, such as Mango Ice and Din Tai Fung. Among them, some fans hoped that Gao Minxi would recommend Taiwanese youth movies such as “The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years”.

(Photo: Threads@gominsi)

The latest content released by Gao Minxu shows that he is already doing makeup and hair for the event. I wonder if Gao Minxu can be seen shopping in more places after the event?

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