Taking Araj Oblodra’s deal in Baldur’s Gate 3 gives major buff you might’ve missed

Taking Araj Oblodra’s deal in Baldur’s Gate 3 gives major buff you might’ve missed

One of the enigmatic figures in Baldur’s Gate 3 is Araj Oblodra, who offers you a peculiar proposition. However, should you come across her during Act 2, it is a deal worth considering.

Araj Oblodra may go unnoticed in Act 2 of Baldur’s Gate 3, particularly if you have already saved the Nightsong before visiting Moonrise Towers for the first time. However, if you make your way to the laboratory located East of the throne room, she will request a sample of your blood.

Despite the odd nature of the request, it would be wise to give her a portion of it. In exchange, you will receive a unique potion that is tailored to your specific race. All things considered, it is a generous reward for a small gesture.

If you bring Astarion with you to meet her, she will request that he bites her in return for a potent potion. If you use Persuasion to convince him to consume the potion, he will object, but you will receive the Potion of Everlasting Vigour as a result.

This potion grants a permanent increase of two points to the Strength score of the drinker, enabling Strength-based characters in BG3 to surpass the maximum score of 20.

In Act 3, you will have the opportunity to see her once more. However, it is not advisable to give her your blood again as she may request. This is due to the fact that she has the ability to make your blood flammable, which could put you and those around you in danger.

Besides the matter of his explosive blood, bringing Astarion along again to talk with her will result in some intriguing dialogue.

In general, offering some of your blood to Araj results in a powerful effect and intriguing lore. Although, giving it to her a second time may raise some doubts, but Baldur’s Gate 3 encourages players to explore and fulfill unusual demands.

When you encounter her in Moonrise Towers, you can receive any of these potions depending on your race.

Race Potion Effect
Drow/Elf Elixir of Elven Elegance Increases movement speed by 10 meters, grants darkvision, and gives immunity to being charmed until long rest.
Dragonborn Elixir of Dragonborn Prowess Advantage on Intimidation and Persuasion checks, resistance to element associated with the Dragonborn subrace, and ability to cast a Level 3 spell of that element once.
Dwarf Elixir of Dwarven Resilience Ability to add the character’s proficiency bonus to saving throws and lasts for three successes or until long rest.
Githyanki Elixir of Githyanki Providence Ability to cast Misty Step, Invigorating Leap, and Blur once until long rest.
Gnome Elixir of Gnomish Ingenuity Gain proficiency in Sleight of Hand and can cast Knock once until long rest.
Half past ten Elixir of Half-Elven Healing Heals you and surrounding allies an amount equal to your Constitution score.
Half-Orc Elixir of Half-Orcish Fury If you are reduced to zero hit points before your next long rest, you will instead drop to one.
Halfling Elixir of Halfling Luck Gain advantage on all skill checks until long rest.
Human Elixir of Human Versatility Gain proficiency in all skills until long rest.
Tiefling Elixir of Tiefling Vice Ability to cast Thaumaturgy, Hellish Rebuke, Burning Hands, and Flame Blade once each until long rest.

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