TEEN TOP Taiwan Concert is the group’s last event in the near future! The maknae announced his enlistment in the military just after he had played for a while and returned to China

(Cover image source: IG@official_teentop, IG@beatint0505 screenshot, BEAT INTERACTIVE provided by TVDaily)

The second-generation boy band TEEN TOP, which has been reorganizing for many years, only held a concert in New Taipei, Taiwan on the 21st to meet Taiwanese fan Angel. Today (24th) the maknae member announced that he is about to enlist in the military.

BEAT INTERACTIVE, the agency of Choi Jong Hyun, announced that Chuang Chuang will be enlisting in the Army on November 20th. He is an Army military band and will faithfully fulfill his national defense obligations. A birthday party will be held on the 18th before enlistment. It will be the first personal fan party since his debut. meeting.

(Photo source: TVDaily provided by BEAT INTERACTIVE)

Creation also uploaded a handwritten letter on his personal IG, saying that he would return to fans in a more energetic and healthy appearance, “I will fulfill my mission well and return, and become Choi Jonghyun who repays Angel and Jerry (personal fans) who gave me love.”He also announced that he will retire from the army in May 2025, “Let’s smile and face each other healthily.”

TEEN TOP held a concert after their comeback this year, “2023 TEEN TOP CONCERT IN TAIWAN we gonna rock it drop it top it hey don’t stop it pop it LIVE”. During the Taiwan concert, the members admitted that this was TEEN TOP’s last concert this year. group activities, and early next year Niel will come to Taiwan alone to hold a fan meeting. Today, Creation announced his enlistment, and fans were shocked to realize what “the last group activity of the year”meant. Moreover, after Creation enlists, he will not be able to see his complete body for at least a year and a half, which will inevitably make him feel regretful. However, although he was the youngest member of the creation, he was not the last one to enlist in the army. There is also Niel in the regiment who has not yet enlisted.

After the concert, I found that I stayed alone in Taiwan to play, such as hanging horizontal bars in the park, setting off sky lanterns in Pingxi, and dropping things from peach machines (no). Maybe I wanted to take advantage of the time I could have to relax and have fun outside!

(Picture source: IG@beatint0505 screenshot, IG@t.changjo screenshot)

▼Creation releases sky lanterns to confess “I love you”to Angel, TEEN TOP and Jerry

(Source: IG@t.changjo screenshot)
(Picture source: IG@beatint0505 screenshot, IG@t.changjo screenshot)

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