Thanos vs Knull: Examining the Power of the Venom 3 Villain

In the purple corner, the terror of Titan, the supervillain who took down the Avengers with a snap of his fingers — Thanos, the mad Titan! Once a fighter for universal balance, tonight, he battles for your entertainment!

And in the black corner, hailing from the deepest, darkest void in space, the God of Symbiotes, the sinister entity who makes Celestials cry and galaxies wail – Knull! Although you may not have seen him on the big screen yet, by the time Venom 3 is released, you’ll know his name, and tonight, you and Thanos will experience Knull’s incredible power!

Brace yourselves; this could go all night! So what are you waiting for? Let’s get ready to RUUUUUMBBLLLLE! Oh, but first, the weigh-in.

Thanos’ Powers

Thanos in Infinity War
Marvel Studios

Note: According to DFFF rules, no weapons are allowed in the ring, so Thanos will be without his Infinity Gauntlet.

Measuring an imposing 8′ 3″and weighing 447 kg, Thanos is a heavyweight by any standard. He boasts an impressive fighting record, having previously bested Hulk, Captain America, and the entire Nova Corps. Can he compete with Knull? Let’s examine his powers:

Super Strength: The Mad Titan is undoubtedly one of the strongest villains in the MCU, having easily overpowered some of Earth-616’s toughest fighters. He’s shown the ability to kill Asgardian gods with his bare hands, break the supposedly indestructible Bands of Cyttorak, and tear through Vision’s vibranium head with ease.

Superhuman Endurance, Stamina, and Healing: During the Infinity War, Thanos moved from battle to battle without displaying signs of fatigue. He even managed to walk away after being struck in the chest by Stormbreaker — wounded, but still standing. His healing factor allows him to regenerate from less serious injuries fairly quickly.

Superhuman Speed and Agility: While not on the same level as The Flash, Thanos has demonstrated incredible speed in Infinity War, dodging blows from Hulk, catching Thor off guard, and outpacing even Tony Stark’s most advanced armor. When combined with his agility, Thanos is indeed a formidable foe.

Now, let’s discuss Knull!

Knull’s Powers

Knull from Marvel comics who will be the villain in Venom 3.
Marvel Comics

Knull’s weight can vary, and being a shapeshifter, he changes his form as he wishes. Although he hasn’t appeared much onscreen, in the comics, Knull has defeated Thor, killed a Celestial, and even taken on the Silver Surfer. Here’s a breakdown of his powers:

Super Strength: Knull may appear slender, but he possesses tremendous strength. In the comics, he has decapitated Celestials and wrestled with Thor, who is typically regarded as one of the strongest in the universe.

Symbiote Physiology: As the God of Symbiotes, Knull doesn’t have a conventional body. He can regenerate from severe injuries, shapeshift, and create weapons from nothing, granting him immense durability and stamina. Essentially, he’s incredibly difficult to harm and is functionally immortal.

Knull from Marvel comics lit by red lightning
Marvel Comics

Divine Being: Knull is a literal god, possessing divine powers that set him apart from many other characters in the Marvel universe.

As the God of Symbiotes, he can manipulate the Living Abyss, creating symbiote matter, Symbiote Dragons, and powerful weapons while having total control over all symbiotes in the galaxy.

Darkness Manipulation: Knull can manipulate dark energy, shaping it into powerful energy blasts.

Time Travel: Knull can traverse time, existing wherever and whenever symbiotes are present.

Flight: Naturally, Knull can fly. Would you expect a god to walk?

Can we rumble now? Finally! Let’s get ready to RUUUUUMBBLLLLE!

Thanos vs. Fuck

Marvel Studios

Regrettably for Thanos fans, there’s a significant disadvantage for the Mad Titan in this matchup.

Knull possesses too many abilities for Thanos to effectively counter. Even if we assume Thanos is stronger and faster than Knull, which is debatable, he cannot match Knull’s regeneration and energy manipulation capabilities.

It seems unlikely that the Titan can defeat Knull. It’s not surprising, given that Thanos required the Infinity Gauntlet to become a god, whereas Knull simply is one. Thus, Knull takes the victory in the first round by knockout!

If this were in the comics, the story might be different, especially if Thanos had the Gauntlet. For more insights, check out our detailed guide to the Marvel movie timeline and information about upcoming Marvel movies, including Fantastic Four, Captain America 4, and Avengers: Doomsday!


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