That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3 Episode 24: Rimuru Tempest Questions Yuuki Over Founder’s Festival Feedback

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3 Episode 24, titled “After the Festival,”premiered on September 27, 2024, on Nippon Television in Japan. The exciting finale showcased Rimuru Tempest taking advice from dignitaries from neighboring nations to enhance his inventions, dungeon, and town.

In their discussions, Rimuru raised the issue of Eastern merchants and speculated that Yuuki could indeed be the “mastermind”previously mentioned by Clayman. Additionally, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3 Episode 24 highlighted Rimuru’s strategic management of the issues surrounding gold coins.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3 Episode 24.

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3 Episode 24: Rimuru Tempest Addresses Merchant Concerns with Genuine Dwargon Gold Coins

Rimuru Tempest handles the gold coins payment (Image via 8Bit)
Rimuru Tempest manages the gold coin payments (Image via 8Bit)

In That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3 Episode 24, the story opens with Mjollmile attempting to pacify frustrated merchants accusing him of fraud. He apologizes and states he can pay them with anything other than the Dwargon gold coins they demand.

Amid the turmoil, Duke Meuse enters, assuring the merchants that the monster nation will not impose their debts on them. He expresses confidence that Mjollmile and the executives of Jura Tempest can ease the merchants’ concerns by providing the genuine Dwargon gold coins.

The focus then shifts to Rimuru Tempest, who walks into the room accompanied by his executives. Duke Meuse, sent by the Rozzos family, gleefully anticipates that the Demon Lord will fail to satisfy the merchants, leading to embarrassment.

Duke Meuse, as seen in the episode (Image via 8Bit)
Duke Meuse in the episode (Image via 8Bit)

However, his scheme unravels as Rimuru produces genuine gold coins from Dwargon, shocking the assembly. The Demon Lord also brings along international reporters to document the proceedings. After settling all payments, Rimuru firmly declares that he will no longer engage in business with them, citing their previous attempts to tarnish his nation’s reputation.

While it’s reasonable for merchants to ask for the universally accepted Dwargon gold coins, Rimuru reminds them that their nation has yet to join the Council. He envisions creating a substantial new economic bloc, negating any immediate need for them to join the Council.

The gold coins, as seen in the episode (Image via 8Bit)
The Dwargon gold coins featured in the episode (Image via 8Bit)

Rimuru Tempest’s decisive actions in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3 Episode 24 leave Duke Meuse flustered, prompting him to plead to serve as a liaison with the council. Rimuru, however, rebuffs his request.

When Meuse issues a threat, Rimuru counters by reminding him that articles from reporters will portray both the merchants and the nobles supporting them unfavorably. Mjollmile then takes charge, asking the merchants to disperse.

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3 Episode 24: Rimuru Tempest Seeks Input from Dignitaries

Rimuru Tempest, as seen in the episode (Image via 8Bit)
Rimuru Tempest during discussions (Image via 8Bit)

Following the resolution of the gold coin issue in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3 Episode 24, Rimuru thanks Elmesia for her assistance. He suspects that the true “mastermind,”who sent Duke Meuse to provoke the merchants, will eventually reveal themselves.

Rimuru encourages his guests to share their thoughts about the events surrounding the Founder’s Festival. Gazell suggests the giant screens utilized during the Dungeon unveiling could serve military purposes. Meanwhile, Elmesia and Eren express their desire to incorporate some elements of the festival within their own nations.

Elmesia, as seen in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 3 episode 24 (Image via 8Bit)
Elmesia featured in the episode (Image via 8Bit)

Rimuru proposes sending engineers to Sarion, alongside utilizing the “train”system he previously mentioned. He remembers the Magitrain concept, an elemental magic-driven train aimed at enhancing the transportation network.

Considering this, Rimuru believes collaboration with Sarion’s sorcerous science experts and Dwarven engineers could make the project feasible. Vesta shows enthusiasm for the new research opportunity. In the meantime, Momiji inquires about the necessity of creating a tunnel through the mountain.

Momiji in the episode (Image via 8Bit)
Momiji as shown in the episode (Image via 8Bit)

She allows for the project, under the condition that Benimaru makes regular visits to her homeland during the works. Meanwhile, Youm’s wife, Mjur, speculates that the train’s construction could embody the “Monster-and-Man Co-Prosperity Sphere,”a project previously discussed by Rimuru. She emphasizes that her nation is eager to collaborate with the Slime.

Numerous dignitaries contribute their suggestions to ensure the Magitrain’s success. Following this dialogue in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3 Episode 24, the attention turns to the Dungeon. Veldora expresses frustration over no one having reached the 100th floor yet.

Mjollmile and Vesta (Image via 8Bit)
Mjollmile and Vesta featured in the episode (Image via 8Bit)

Mjollmile proposes instituting a bounty system to attract numerous adventurers to attempt to conquer the final floor. He also suggests that Yuuki’s Guild could promote the Dungeon. Conversely, Hinata expresses concern that frequent adventurer visits to the Dungeon, especially under the instant revival conditions, may diminish their awareness of danger.

To mitigate this, she advocates for sending high-ranked priests to the Dungeon, capable of performing Divine Miracles. That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3 Episode 24 then transitions to Yuuki, who accepts Rimuru’s earlier proposal, requesting a new building should he decide to open an additional branch.

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3 Episode 24: Rimuru Tempest Identifies Yuuki as the Potential “Mastermind”

Mariabell in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 3 episode 24 (Image via 8Bit)
Mariabell featured in the episode (Image via 8Bit)

The storyline in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3 Episode 24 shifts focus to Duke Meuse, who walks away disheartened after failing to complete his mission. Simultaneously, at the Rozzo family mansion, Mariabelle contemplates that they should have destroyed Rimuru’s nation.

However, she reassures her grandfather that she is determined to seize control of the world. Granbell delegates this responsibility to her. Meanwhile, Rimuru Tempest engages in discussion with his associates about the Eastern Merchants and their connections to them.

Youm and his wife (Image via 8Bit)
Youm and Mjur featured in the episode (Image via 8Bit)

Youm expresses concern that his nation is among the most vulnerable, while informing Rimuru that Razen has examined their financial records following Diablo’s directives. Interestingly, Hinata mentions that Lubelius has ceased all business dealings with the merchants due to a prior deception.

Yuuki candidly reveals that the Guild’s regional bases maintain connections with the merchants. Others in the meeting assure Rimuru that they will initiate a network of alerts about the Eastern merchants as soon as possible. As a result, Rimuru Tempest wraps up the feedback discussion regarding the Founder’s Festival.

In the closing scenes of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3 Episode 24, the dignitaries prepare to return to their respective nations after the festival. Meanwhile, Rimuru awaits a letter from the Council of the West, which is scheduled to arrive a month later.


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