The 3-Body Problem: what happens to Vera Ye at the start of the Netflix series?

The beginning of The Three-Body Problem series features many shocking scenes, but one of them is more important than the others: what happens to Vera Ye and what are the consequences of her decision?

The 3-Body Problem made a splash on Netflix, and is wasting no time in taking its audience into chilling scenes. After a violent introduction to China in the 1960s, or a grim crime scene, the public witnesses a third drama.

The story adapting Liu Cixin’s novel revolves around the theme of science and the men and women who dedicate their lives to it. However, unexplained phenomena strike the community of scientists on Earth, and some people recover less well than others.

Who is Vera Ye and what happens to her at the start of The Three-Body Problem series? What are the real reasons behind his choice?

Warning: This article contains spoilers from The Three-Body Problem, including a major twist from the Netflix series.

What happens to Vera Ye at the start of The Three-Body Problem on Netflix?

At the beginning of the 3-Body Problem, Vera Ye decides to end her life by throwing herself into the nuclear pool of the Oxford particle accelerator. The researcher discovered that her mother was responsible for the arrival of an extraterrestrial civilization on Earth, and could not stand it.

If many clues initially suggest that Vera killed herself because her project was going to be abandoned, or because she too could have been the victim of one of the strange countdowns, the reality is quite different.

Because Vera Ye is actually the daughter of Ye Wenjie, a scientist who survived China’s Cultural Revolution by working on a space communications project. The scholar had abandoned all hope of redemption for humanity, after seeing her father be lynched in 1966.

When she got a response from someone from elsewhere, Wenjie had to make a decision. The alien message clearly indicated that they should not respond, because Earth could find itself targeted by an attack. But affected by numerous betrayals from those close to her, the scientist decides to ignore the warning and send a message: “Come, we are incapable of saving ourselves.”

A San-Ti cult was then born, led by Ye Wenjie himself, and financially supported by Mike Evans, Vera Ye’s father. Which will destabilize their daughter Vera, when she discovers the whole truth, despairing her to the point of wanting to end her life.

His death will serve as a pretext to bring together the five heroes of the series The 3-Body Problem, who will take the opportunity to investigate together the strange events that are hitting the planet.

The 3-Body Problem has been available on Netflix since March 21, 2024.

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