The 8 Show Ending Explained: Does Everyone Win the Prize Money?

In the K-drama The 8 Show, we provide a breakdown of the ending, including the characters’ fates and the prize money winner.

Similar to Squid Game’s storyline, The 8 Show features a group of eight individuals facing financial turmoil and willing to do whatever it takes to escape it.

An opportunity is presented to them to participate in a secretive game with intricate rules. The prize at stake? A whopping 44.8 billion won. At first glance, it seems straightforward…until the players uncover the workings of the competition and discover the lengths they are willing to go to succeed.

Despite the many events that occur among the eight players throughout The 8 Show, the ultimate question remains: who will come out on top and still be standing? And more importantly, will their lives have improved from where they began? Caution: Spoilers to follow!

The 8 Show Ending: Does Everyone Win the Prize Money?

Unfortunately, player 1F will not receive the prize money as they tragically passed away during the game. However, all other players will still receive their respective earnings and can resume their normal lives.

Bae Sung-woo in The 8 Show as 1F.

By the time Episode 8 of the K-drama had aired, 1F, 2F, 3F, and 4F had united forces with 7F to overthrow the oppressive rulers of the other floors. Their strategy involved utilizing the knowledge that 1F had gained upon his initial arrival, which was that buying a floor can lead to taking control over it, for the price of one million won.

After accumulating just enough, they decide to make the purchase. Their original plan was to take over the 8F floor, which had millions of dollars in prize money. However, they encounter a surprise twist: the only thing they had actually bought was the price list for each floor.

As they come to the realization that none of them have enough money to purchase the eighth floor, their plan has failed. Adding to their despair is the fact that 1F has lost nearly all of his funds. With over 136 hours remaining, they all understand that the game may never come to an end. Despite their attempts to leave, 1F prevents them by threatening them with a gun.

Despite his belief that it’s unfair, he still wants all of them to remain and continue striving for more time and prize money. 1F, who works as a clown in the circus, entertains them by performing. Unfortunately, something terrible happens.

While traversing a tightrope in his own dreamland, he leaps too high and collides with the overhead projector. The device becomes detached and plummets into the vacant pool below, but 1F manages to grab onto the tightrope. Unfortunately, the projector ignites and 1F is unable to maintain his grip. He plummets into the fiery inferno and succumbs to the flames.

3F and 7F successfully break free of their restraints and rush to save him, while the rest of the group quickly comes to their aid. In a desperate attempt to rescue their friend, 3F urgently calls for assistance, but receives no response. Left with no other option, he defies the game’s rules and shoots down all of the cameras. With no further entertainment for the audience, the game’s timer is immediately set to zero, and they are finally freed from their imprisonment.

Despite 1F apologizing to his daughter before his death from his injuries, it was too late. As 3F exits the doors and enters the same empty theater he initially arrived at, he discovers a letter stating their victory and confirmation of their payment of 790 thousand won. It can be inferred that 1F’s family receives the remaining amount.

Despite being unable to move on with his life or use his earnings, 3F still manages to hold a funeral for 1F, even though he doesn’t know his real name. The only people who don’t attend are 6F, 7F, and 8F. During the funeral, 3F reveals that he has found 1F’s wife and discovered that a man pretending to be a “colleague”had given her enough money to last a lifetime. It is later revealed that this man was actually 7F.

As a result, they receive their prize money and the K-drama concludes with the survivors from the lower floors leaving the funeral home and continuing on with their lives without ever learning each other’s identities.

The 8 Show can be streamed on Netflix, providing an opportunity to catch up on the highly anticipated K-dramas of 2024. You can also find information about Squid Game Season 2 and other new TV shows available for streaming.

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