The 8 Show: Explaining the Finale and the Fate of the Contestants

The 8 Show: Explaining the Finale and the Fate of the Contestants

The 8 Show’s finale, which premiered on Netflix on Friday, hints at the potential for future developments in this unusual concept. The show’s debut as a South Korean psychological thriller has left Netflix viewers feeling shaken.

How the contestants escaped The 8 Show?

The initial installment of The 8 Show established straightforward and explicit rules. The game could continue for an indefinite amount of time as long as the hosts remained entertained, resulting in an unlimited prize. However, any deaths would abruptly conclude the game.

Despite its mysterious nature, the rule and relentless quest for wealth in The 8 Show foreshadowed its ultimate conclusion through the character of “1”, whose insatiable greed led to the show’s demise. However, the contestants’ perspectives on the game shifted dramatically as they made the decision to end the show in order to spare 1’s life, despite the potential repercussions.

The participants had no choice but to witness the severe injury of one contestant during his performance before finally risking their own safety to rescue him from the fire. Feeling responsible, contestants 2 and 3 decided to take matters into their own hands and destroy all the cameras in the venue. They were tired of the hosts prolonging the show due to the thrilling and destructive outcome of contestant 1’s act.

Despite their success in ending the show, one contestant passes away soon after. Another contestant, 3, is penalized and has half of their prize deducted for shooting the cameras. It is uncertain if similar consequences were given to the remaining contestants.

The 8 Show Ending Explained
Bae Sung-woo in The 8 Show (2024) | Source: IMDb

What happened to the contestants after The 8 Show ended?

All but one of the contestants from the K-drama thriller returned to their normal lives after the show ended. Through flashbacks, viewers were given a glimpse into their past and the jobs they had before the show. However, it is uncertain if their lives remained unchanged after the experience. The only contestant who resumed their previous career was “7”, who works in the entertainment industry.

Nonetheless, the main focus of the glimpse into real life is on 3 and his mission to arrange a funeral for 1.

Despite reconnecting at the funeral, only those who live on floors 2-5 attended and continued to not exchange names or contact information. Therefore, their lives in the real world remain a mystery to each other.

Despite this, the individuals who resided on the higher levels do not make another appearance on screen. This adds to the enigma surrounding their reemergence into the real world, as their experiences are solely described by the people who attended 1’s funeral.

The number “5”indicates that the authoritarian “8”stayed true to her artistic nature, but she was arrested and lost all of her prize money. According to 3, it is highly probable that the enigmatic man who gave some of his prize money to 1’s family after his death was 7. However, the true intentions of the character “6”are revealed through his actions.

Despite his reputation for violence, 6 surprises many by sending a floral wreath to 1’s funeral. This gesture suggests that he may still possess some of his wealth. Furthermore, it is a sincere act that reveals 6’s remorse for his actions in The 8 Show.

3. Understanding the Significance of 1’s Final Performance

In episode 3 of The 8 Show talent show, while 8’s sexual abilities are not considered, 1 dominates with his circus skills, making him seemingly the most valuable contestant. However, in the show’s system, he is merely a pawn to be taken advantage of.

Despite living in luxury, 8 individuals are contrasted with the one who is surrounded by waste. This highlights the issue of social class and the notion that the working classes, despite their skills, are subordinate to those with wealth and thus, power.

The ultimate demonstration of 1’s abilities is seen in his final performance. His tightrope act showcases his immense talent and appears to open up endless earning opportunities. However, despite his efforts, the contestants he has bound and coerced into watching will always out-earn him.

Despite his increasing recklessness, driven by desperation and the belief that social mobility is achievable through perseverance, his final act ultimately leads to disaster as his death serves as the catalyst for the contestants to break out of the game.

Despite the other contestants being able to resume their lives with a substantial amount of money that could potentially save them, one individual remains the most affected by both the game and reality. Despite putting in immense effort to earn the money, he never received it and instead gave up his life chasing an unattainable dream.

Therefore, the number 1 symbolizes a grim truth. Despite being born equal, individuals at the bottom of the social hierarchy will always face disadvantages and exploitation from those in positions of power, regardless of their talents or abilities.

The 8 Show Ending Explained
Moon Jeong-Hee, Chun Woo-hee, and Yul-Eum Lee in The 8 Show (2024) | Source: IMDb

Why 4 was the most pivotal player in The 8 Show

If she is unable to perform that task, 4 is skilled at staying in their good graces, causing them to overlook her. During episode 7, she confesses to 1 that she sees herself as a participant in a game rather than a human being. This mindset makes her an essential contributor to The 8 Show, as she plays a role in its ascent and decline.

As a middle floor, 4 has the ability to align with both the floors below and above it.

As a result, she utilizes her interpersonal abilities in persuading the participants to take actions that will benefit her gameplay, and she is not hesitant to change alliances in order to gain the most advantageous outcomes.

The conclusion of The 8 Show is greatly influenced by her gameplay, as she initiates the plan to overthrow 8’s reign. This scheme involves exchanging rooms, with her ultimately claiming the highly desired 8th floor. However, their plan is misguided and ultimately leads to the dramatic climax of The 8 Show.

What is the true significance of 5’s Crude Revenge On 6?

Prior to The 8 Show, 5 had already experienced being taken advantage of due to her kind nature. During Episode 8, 5 confesses to 4 that her marriage to a scammer had left her without any money and divorced, leading her to join the show.

Despite the scars left by 5, episode 7 saw history repeating itself as 6 exploited 5’s deteriorating mental health and her longing for affection to persuade her to remove his restraints.

Although not explicitly mentioned, it can be inferred that 6 had slept with 5 before abandoning her, just like all the other men she had been involved with in the past.

Despite her gentle demeanor, 5’s act of revenge against 6 may seem surprising. However, her past experiences with men provide an explanation for her actions. By castrating 6, she is not only emasculating him, but also challenging the traditional male values that have perpetuated the violence in the game.

In addition, 6 serves as a substitute for all the men who had exploited her and her generosity over the years, as she seeks revenge through a meticulously planned and brutal act.

Is The 8 Show Based on Reality or Fiction?

The meta narrative of The 8 Show’s finale leaves viewers questioning the true nature of the show and whether it was based in reality or fiction. In a post-credits scene, 7 makes a surprise appearance, having only been mentioned by the other contestants in the real world.

Despite the alteration in aspect ratio and the conversation with his colleague, it can be inferred that The 8 Show goes beyond its initial appearance and blurs the boundaries between fiction and reality.

The main focus of The 8 Show has been on aspect ratio: the real world is captured in a 1:1 ratio, while the game’s world is presented in a 16:9 ratio. This ratio is commonly used in social media platforms.

This is a critical examination of the contrast between perception and reality on social media, possibly referencing the style of old silent movies. However, it should be noted that the 16:9 aspect ratio is the universally accepted standard for television and film broadcasting, highlighting the stark contrast between the real world and The 8 Show.

Despite this, during the final moments of The 8 Show, the contestants on the lower floor exit 1’s funeral and the aspect ratio reverts to 16:9.

This suggests that the game may never truly be over, as CCTV will constantly be monitoring the players in a Big Brother-esque manner. It could also suggest that this conclusion is simply a part of the 7’s predetermined script, and that the events in the arena are merely 7’s interpretation of the game or a fictional account that differs greatly from the actual reality.

6. How The 8 Show Sets up Season 2?

The strongest indication of a second season for The 8 Show was revealed in the post-credits scene of the finale. During this scene, 7 and his colleague discuss a script he had written about his time in the game.

In contrast to other content in the real world, this scene is presented in a 16:9 aspect ratio. This could indicate that The 8 Show is currently being broadcast and viewed by someone who has taken the game out of its designated area and into the real world. Alternatively, it could also imply that this scene is a part of 7’s script.

These theories are further supported by 7’s colleague, who jokes about the possibility of there being multiple versions of the show. Even if 7’s game was real, this could indicate that the version described in his script is not the only one, or that there are other variations of the game in existence. 7’s colleague suggests, “There could even be a second season.”

Although it was the final dialogue on screen, The 8 Show expressed its desire for a second season and the development of its world, which is just beginning.

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