The Acolyte Fans Believe They Have Discovered the Identity of Mae’s Master

The enigma surrounding Star Wars: The Acolyte continues to deepen with each episode, but fans believe they have already discovered the identity of Mae’s elusive mentor.

Numerous speculations have been made regarding the enigmatic master responsible for transforming Mae into their Acolyte, but it is Qimir who notably catches the attention of fans.

However, during a discussion on the Star Wars subreddit, numerous fans bring up Qimir, a former smuggler who assists Mae after she is unable to eliminate Torbin.

It appears that Qimir possesses a great deal of knowledge that he is not revealing. The character demonstrates a remarkable understanding of poisons, the Jedi, and, most importantly, The Sith.

Qimir in Star Wars The Acolyte

Fans think the mysterious Qimir is secretly Mae’s master.

“I am betting on Qimir,”a fan stated, in agreement with a commonly held fan theory. “He partially recited a line from the Sith and demonstrated a comprehension of the Jedi mindset, which is atypical for an average smuggler.”

One person then made a similar joke, referencing Manny Jacinto’s popular character on The Good Place, quipping, “So now Jason knows how to manipulate the midi-chlorians to create life? This is a new low. It’s really disappointing.”

Upon reading The Acolyte, one user observed a plot point that further supports the belief that Qimir is Mae’s master. In a Reddit comment, the user pointed out that “the guy”in question knew about Torbin’s meditative state, even though Mae had not disclosed this information to him.

Others pointed out the impressive skills of Qimir, with one person commenting on Reddit that he seemed to possess an uncanny ability to anticipate and defend against Mae’s attack when she accused him of betraying her to the Jedi. It was surprising that he was able to counter and overpower a trained Force user with such ease.

Despite some playful speculation from other fans, including suggestions that it could be Jar Jar Binks, a third sibling to Mae and Osha, or even Emperor Palpatine, the prevailing belief is that the enigmatic Qimir is the most likely candidate to be the formidable Master in Star Wars: The Acolyte.

Fans can expect to gain further insight into Qimir and his past in the near future, as he was witnessed aiding Mae in her escape from the planet following her unsuccessful attempt to eliminate Sol.

The Acolyte airs new episodes on Disney+ every Tuesday. For those seeking additional Star Wars content, we have details on the release date for Andor Season 2 and Tales of the Jedi Season 2. Additionally, there are plenty of new movies and TV shows available for streaming this month.

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