The annual thriller disaster masterpiece “Concrete Utopia: Doomsday” actually built a 3-story apartment for realism! Released nationwide on August 11

(Cover image source: Garage Entertainment)

The annual thriller disaster masterpiece “Concrete Utopia: Doomsday”was created by the production team of “DP: Deserter Order”, including “Crash Landing”Lee Byung-hun, “Itaewon Class”Park Seo-joon, “The Wedding Day”Park Bo-young and other wonderful actors The co-star will meet the audience in Taiwan on August 11th! “Concrete Utopia: Doomsday”is adapted from a Korean topical webtoon, and audiences are looking forward to it as soon as the news comes out. They are very curious about how the shocking depictions of human nature and scenes of ruins in the comics will be presented on the big screen. It will sweep the audience this summer. Create a whirlwind of movie viewing around the world!

(Source: Garage Entertainment)

The story of “Concrete Utopia: Doomsday”tells the story of Seoul, which was reduced to ruins overnight due to a major earthquake. Everything collapsed, and only one “palace apartment”remained standing. Survivors who heard the rumors poured into the palace apartment. They are united in order to survive, and centered on the new resident representative Yeong-tak (Lee Byung-hun), they completely block the entry and exit of outsiders and set new rules for apartment residents. Fortunately, unlike the hellish world outside, there is no utopia that is safer and more peaceful than the palace apartment for the residents. However, in the endless crisis of survival, unexpected entanglements also began to appear between them… The survival rules of the survivors-should we abide by it or leave it? The annual shocking disaster masterpiece “Cement Utopia: Doomsday”will be released in Taiwan on August 11!

(Source: Garage Entertainment)

Korean film star Lee Byung-hun plays the new resident representative “Ying Zhuo”in “Concrete Utopia: Doomsday”, a character who does not care about danger for the safety of the residents. Li Bingxian has also starred in disaster works such as “Baekdusan: Peninsula Catastrophe”and “Emergency Landing”before. Regarding the difference between “Concrete Utopia: Doomsday Catastrophe”and other disaster movies, Li Bingxian believes that in addition to the disaster plot, this film also has Showing the relationship and changes between people in a disaster, he said: “General disaster movies focus on “disaster”from the occurrence to the end of the disaster, but “Concrete Utopia: Doomsday”also embodies the After the disaster happened, how the characters should survive, how they tried to overcome the danger in the process of communicating with each other, and there are also subtle emotions and laughter, it is a work with human nature, black humor elements, and strong style! “

(Source: Garage Entertainment)

Park Seo Joon played “Min Sung”in “Concrete Utopia: Doomsday”, a character whose goal is to protect his family. He said: “This character itself is very different from the characters I have interpreted so far. There are various emotional changes in my heart.”Park Seo Joon also revealed that 60% of the reasons for participating in this film are because of Lee Byung Hun. I really want to work together once! Actually, I didn’t receive the script and the invitation, but I really wanted to participate in the role and strongly recommended myself to the director. Fortunately, I was accepted, which made me feel that I should interpret the role of “Mincheng”well.”

(Source: Garage Entertainment)

Park Bo-young played “Ming Hwa”in “Concrete Utopia: Doomsday”, a character who does not lose her faith even in disasters. This work is also her 5-year absence since “The Wedding Day”. For the big screen, she said: “I saw this script by chance, and I told the representative of the agency that I really wanted to participate in this film. I hope he can help me inquire about it. Unexpectedly, the representative said to me cautiously:”But Byung Hun hyung might also be in this drama!’ But because I also have great ambitions, I want to challenge different themes and show a different face, just like Park Seo Joon, I really want to participate in this drama!”

(Source: Garage Entertainment)

In order to create a realistic disaster scene in “Cement Utopia: Doomsday”, the production team spent 3 to 5 months building the set, and actually built a 3-story apartment building as the stage of the story. Even though the preparation process was not easy, Director Yan Taihe still did not give up. After many discussions, he finally presented a very realistic set. Lee Byung-hun, who actually shot this realistic set, said, “It’s so real that people think it’s an existing apartment, just like the apartment parking lot and buildings that we often see, at first I thought it was destroying the actual apartment. It was later used for filming, and I feel that the production team is very careful about the realism!”In addition, although the story of “Concrete Utopia: Doomsday”is set in winter, this work is actually filmed in midsummer, so the actors must Wearing winter clothes to go into battle, so the actors and staff worked harder during the filming process, which also made the director feel very sorry and grateful! The annual shocking disaster masterpiece “Cement Utopia: Doomsday”will be released in Taiwan on August 11!

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