In the realm of Gotham’s notorious villains, the identity of Batman remains shrouded in mystery within the DC Universe (DCU) crafted by James Gunn and Peter Safran. Recent intriguing comments from Matt Reeves, the director of The Batman, have reignited speculation among fans regarding the Caped Crusader’s future.
Robert Pattinson’s portrayal of the eponymous hero in Reeves’ critically acclaimed The Batman has captured audiences. However, this film exists outside of the established DCEU framework, leaving Pattinson’s involvement uncertain as the DCU continues to evolve. Compounding the situation, both the official first Batman film in the DCU and Reeves’ sequel to The Batman remain in a state of limbo, leading to uncertainty about whether Pattinson will officially remain as the celebrated Gotham guardian.
Gotham’s Detective: Pattinson’s Future in the DCU
During a recent appearance on the Golden Globes red carpet, Reeves responded to a question posed by Josh Horowitz regarding Pattinson’s potential role as the DCU’s definitive Batman. Reeves stated, “It really comes down to whether or not it makes sense.”
He elaborated, sharing that he has a story he is eager to explore, which he refers to as an “epic crime saga.”He emphasized the importance of executing this narrative successfully. “James and Peter have been really great about that, and they’re letting us do that,” Reeves added. However, he admitted uncertainty about the future, noting, “What the future brings, I can’t really tell you. I have no idea right now, except that my head is down now about getting The Batman 2 shooting and to make it something really special, which of course it’s the most important thing.”
In closing, Reeves maintained an air of mystery, stating, “I don’t know, we’ll have to see where that goes.”
It’s worth noting that Gunn has contemplated the possibility of incorporating Pattinson as the official Batman of the DCU. Ultimately, the decision on whether Reeves’ films will be integrated into the DCU rests with him. However, an official announcement regarding this matter is still pending. Meanwhile, Gunn’s cautious approach in committing to character details, the indefinite postponement of The Brave and the Bold, and the delay of The Batman 2 have left the door open for Pattinson’s potential integration into the broader DC universe. With Gunn supportive of the integration and Reeves prioritizing The Batman 2, fans eagerly await what lies ahead.
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