The Best Cookies in Cookie Run Kingdom, Listed

There are more than a hundred cookies to choose from in Cookie Run Kingdom, making it challenging to select a specific character for any team composition. However, we have created a detailed and useful list to assist new players in making better choices. This comprehensive list includes the top cookies for each cookie type in Cookie Run Kingdom.

Delicious Magic Cookies from Cookie Run Kingdom

“Magical cookies are skilled at inflicting significant damage in a wide range and imposing negative effects to impede enemy assaults. While their power is formidable, they lack durability and can be quickly defeated.”

# Cookie Name Cookie Type and Position Cookie Rarity Type Ideal for Reasons to Play
1 Frost Queen Cookie Magic / Middle Position Legendary PvP / PvE Superb AOE damage and freeze debuff.
2 Moonlight Cookie Magic / Middle Position Legendary PvP / PvE Superb AOE damage and sleep debuff.
3 Snow Sugar Cookie Magic / Middle Position Epic PvP / PvE Summons extra unit and attack speed debuff.
4 Squid Ink Cookie Magic / Middle Position Epic PvP / PvE High damage and defense reduction debuff.
5 Mozzarella Cookies Magic / Middle Position Epic PvE Earth-type damage team buff, and movement and attack speed reduction debuff.
6 Mango Cookie Magic / Middle Position Epic PvE Great crowd control against multiple enemies and decent damage.
7 Shining Glitter Cookie Magic / Middle Position Super Epic PvP / PvE Crit damage resist buff and removes HP shields.
8 Licorice Cookie Magic / Middle Position Epic PvE Summons a lot of extra units that can tank damage.
9 Espresso Cookie Magic / Middle Position Epic PvE / PvP Deals decent damage, and great for early game.
10 Macaron Cookie Magic / Middle Position Epic PvE Moderate damage, healing, and damage buffs.

Top Selling Ambush Cookies in Cookie Run Kingdom

The abilities of Ambush-type cookies make them highly effective against magic-type and ranged-type cookies, making them a great choice for dealing with these units. Their powerful attacks can inflict a devastating amount of damage on most back line units.

# Cookie Name Cookie Type and Position Cookie Rarity Type Ideal for Reasons to Play
1 Black Pearl Cookie Ambush / Middle Position Legendary PvP / PvE Incredible crowd control and damage, and multiple weakening debuffs.
2 Rebel Cookie Ambush / Front Position Epic PvP / PvE Summons extra units, does superb damage, and reduces defense.
3 Stardust Cookie Ambush / Middle Position Super Epic PvP / PvE High burst damage, and multiple weakening debuffs.
4 Black Raisin Cookie Ambush / Middle Position Epic PvP / PvE Can briefly become invulnerable and deal decent damage.
5 Sorbet Shark Cookie Ambush / Middle Position Epic PvP / PvE Can briefly become invulnerable and deal decent damage.
6 Vampire Cookie Ambush / Rear Position Epic PvP / PvE Can briefly become invulnerable and deal decent damage.
7 Royal Margarine Cookie Ambush / Middle Position Epic PvE Poison, attack damage, and defense reduction debuff, and can amplify debuffs.
8 Cherry Blossom Cookie Ambush / Rear Position Epic PvE Decent damage, and attack damage buffs.
9 Chili Pepper Cookie Ambush / Middle Position Epic PvE Can very briefly become invulnerable and deal okay damage. Great for early game.
10 Pancake Cookie Ambush / Rear Position Rare PvE Okay damage, and attack speed buff.

Best Bomber Cookies in the Cookie Run Kingdom

Cookies with a bomber-type design excel in inflicting damage over a wide area and disrupting enemy abilities and attacks. They are a crucial component in any team composition, as their ability to interfere with battles greatly increases their worth.

# Cookie Name Cookie Type and Position Cookie Rarity Type Ideal for Reasons to Play
1 White Lily Cookie Bomber / Middle Position Ancient PvP / PvE Deals incredible damage over time, applies multiple debuffs, and can heal.
2 Sea Fairy Cookie Bomber / Middle Position Legendary PvP / PvE Superb crowd control and damage.
3 Captain Caviar Cookie Bomber / Middle Position Epic PvP / PvE Great damage and defense reduction debuff.
4 Prune Juice Cookie Bomber / Middle Position Epic PvP / PvE Summons extra units and deals great damage over time.
5 Black Lemonade Cookie Bomber / Middle Position Epic PvP / PvE Targets highest HP enemy unit and applies multiple debuffs. Great for killing tanky cookies.
6 Affogato Cookie Bomber / Middle Position Epic PvP / PvE Deals damage over time and weakens enemies with debuffs.
7 Pinecone Cookie Bomber / Front Position Epic PvP / PvE Burst damage, briefly stuns enemies, and heals allies.
8 Street Urchin Cookie Bomber / Middle Position Epic PvP / PvE Deals decent damage and briefly stuns enemies.
9 Poison Mushroom Cookie Bomber / Middle Position Epic PvP / PvE Deals damage over time and reduces enemy healing.
10 Cherry Cookie Bomber / Rear Position Rare PvE Deals okay damage and briefly stuns enemies.

Best Ranged Cookies in Cookie Run Kingdom

Categorized as ranged-type, cookies are highly effective in eliminating single targets and have the ability to inflict extremely high burst damage. These cookies are commonly utilized in compositions to eliminate magic-type, healer-type, and support-type characters.

# Cookie Name Cookie Type and Position Cookie Rarity Type Ideal for Reasons to Play
1 Golden Cheese Cookie Ranged / Middle Position Ancient PvP / PvE Deals insane damage, applies crit reduction debuff, and can be revived.
2 Creme Brulee Cookie Ranged / Rear Position Epic PvP / PvE Deals incredible damage after stacking ability, and applies attack speed buffs.
3 Sherbet Cookie Ranged / Middle Position Super Epic PvP / PvE Deals great damage, applies attack debuff, and can freeze enemies.
4 Tarte Tatin Cookie Ranged / Rear Position Epic PvE Ramping attack damage with each kill, great against bosses in PvE, and deals considerable damage.
5 Rye Cookie Ranged / Rear Position Epic PvP / PvE Deals decent damage and applies attack speed buff.
6 Twizzly Gummy Cookie Ranged / Rear Position Epic PvP / PvE Deals decent damage and can briefly take away enemy HP shields.
7 Caramel Arrow Cookie Ranged / Front Position Epic PvP / PvE Deals decent damage and becomes invulnerable for a brief period of time.
8 Tiger Lily Cookie Ranged / Rear Position Epic PvE Deals okay damage and applies attack speed buff.
9 Pastry Cookie Ranged / Rear Position Epic PvE Deals okay damage and applies attack speed buff.
10 Beet Cookie Ranged / Rear Position Common PvE Deals mediocre damage, but can reduce healing significantly.

Best Charge Cookies in Cookie Run Kingdom

Cookies with a charge-type function as crucial defenders and debuffers in various team compositions, especially in builds that rely on two resilient characters to safeguard their allies.

# Cookie Name Cookie Type and Position Cookie Rarity Type Ideal for Reasons to Play
1 Burnt Cheese Cookie Charge / Front Position Epic PvP / PvE Deals considerable damage, stuns enemies briefly, and protects the highest damage-dealing ally.
2 Pitaya Dragon Cookie Charge / Front Position Dragon PvP / PvE Deals insane damage, and applies a significant defense reduction debuff.
3 Space Doughnut Charge / Front Position Epic PvP / PvE Deals decent damage, transforms targeted enemies into doughnuts, and applies a significant defense reduction debuff.
4 Schwarzwalder Charge / Front Position Epic PvP / PvE Applies attack speed, attack damage, and damage resist buff, and can briefly stun enemies with regular attacks.
5 Tea Knight Cookie Charge / Front Position Epic PvP / PvE Applies attack damage and crit damage buffs, and gets significantly stronger after each ally death, becoming resistant to interrupt effects.
6 Capsaicin Cookie Charge / Front Position Super Epic PvP / PvE Deals decent damage on hit and over time, and can become immortal for a brief period of time.
7 Dark Cacao Cookie Charge / Front Position Ancient PvP / PvE Applies an attack damage and defense reduction debuff.
8 Milky Way Cookie Charge / Front Position Epic PvP / PvE Pushes back enemies, applies defense reduction debuff, and shields allies.
9 Mercurial Knight Cookie Charge / Front Position Epic PvP / PvE Deals decent damage and applies attack damage, attack speed, and HP buffs, but only really good with Silverbell Cookie.
10 Mala Sauce Cookie Charge / Front Position Epic PvP / PvE Applies crit damage buff and deals okay damage.

Top-Rated Cookies in Cookie Run Kingdom’s Defense Category

Defense-type cookies have a singular purpose: to safeguard the team. Their remarkable sturdiness and ability to endure make them well-suited for the front line. Despite this, they are not known for dealing significant damage.

# Cookie Name Cookie Type and Position Cookie Rarity Type Ideal for Reasons to Play
1 Fettucine Cookie Defense / Front Position Epic PvP / PvE Taunts enemies, applies attack damage reduction debuff, can heal, and become briefly immortal.
2 Financial Cookie Defense / Front Position Epic PvP / PvE Applies multiple buffs on ally with the highest attack and heals.
3 Elder Faerie Cookie Defense / Front Position Super Epic PvP / PvE Taunts enemies, shields allies, and applies damage resist buff. Can also heal allies.
4 Hollyberry Cookie Defense / Front Position Ancient PvP / PvE Pushes enemies away, reduces incoming damage, and applies a crit damage resist buff for team.
5 Crimson Coral Cookie Defense / Front Position Super Epic PvP / PvE Shields allies, does considerable damage, and applies multiple durability buffs.
6 Strawberry Crepe Cookie Defense / Front Position Epic PvP / PvE Reduces incoming damage for two allies.
7 Wildberry Cookie Defense / Front Position Epic PvP / PvE Deals decent damage and stuns enemies.
8 Madeleine Cookie Defense / Front Position Epic PvP / PvE Deals okay damage and becomes immune to debuffs.
9 Kouign-Amann Cookie Defense / Front Position Epic PvP / PvE Applies multiple buffs to improve regular attacks and durability.
10 Cocoa Cookie Defense / Front Position Epic PvP / PvE Heals allies and becomes immune to stuns.

Best Support Cookies in Cookie Run Kingdom

Cookies of the support variety are capable of restoring the health of allies, but they are most renowned for providing beneficial buffs that enhance specific statistics for the entire team.

# Cookie Name Cookie Type and Position Cookie Rarity Type Ideal for Reasons to Play
1 Snapdragon Cookie Support / Rear Position Special PvP / PvE Invulnerable to attacks, heals over time, and applies multiple buffs.
2 Perfect Cookie Support / Rear Position Epic PvP / PvE Heals over time and applies defense and debuff resist buffs.
3 Silverbell Cookie Support / Rear Position Epic PvP / PvE Heals over time and applies damage resist buff.
4 Cotton Cookie Support / Rear Position Epic PvP / PvE Summons extra units, heals over time, and briefly stuns enemies.
5 Linzer Cookie Support / Rear Position Epic PvP / PvE Applies crit damage buffs and reduces enemy defenses.
6 Frilled Jellyfish Cookie Support / Middle Position Epic PvP / PvE Snares enemies and reduces attack speed.
7 Oyster Cookie Support / Rear Position Super Epic PvP / PvE Summons extra units and applies damage buffs.
8 Cream Puff Cookie Support / Rear Position Epic PvP / PvE Greatly heals allies.
9 Eclair Cookie Support / Middle Position Epic PvP Provides an HP shield buff and applies a weakening debuff on enemies.
10 Caramel Choux Cookie Support / Rear Position Epic PvE Greatly heals allies and applies damage resist and amplification buffs.

Best Healing Cookies in Cookie Run Kingdom

Cookies with healing properties are particularly skilled at healing, as expected. They excel at offering protective shields for allies and providing healing to restore health or remove negative effects.

# Cookie Name Cookie Type and Position Cookie Rarity Type Ideal for Reasons to Play
1 Pure Vanilla Cookie Healing / Rear Position Ancient PvP / PvE Greatly heals allies and provides a large HP shield.
2 Icicle Yeti Cookie Healing / Front Position Special PvP / PvE Blocks incoming attacks, heals over time, and applies damage resist and amplification buffs.
3 Rockstar Cookie Healing / Middle Position Epic PvP / PvE Applies a crit chance buff and heals over time.
4 Cream Unicorn Cookie Healing / Rear Position Epic PvP / PvE Silences enemies and heals allies.
5 Herb Cookie Healing / Rear Position Epic PvP / PvE Dispels debuffs and heals allies for a portion of their health, and then more of it over time.
6 Carol Cookie Healing / Rear Position Epic PvE Heals allies and applies crit damage and crit chance buffs.
7 Sparkling Cookie Healing / Rear Position Epic PvE Heals allies and applies a crit chance buff.
8 Custard Cookie III Healing / Rear Position Rare PvE Heals two allies with the lowest health and provides HP shields for them.
9 Angel Cookie Healing / Rear Position Common PvE Heals all allies.

As new, powerful cookies are released or significant updates are made, this list will be continuously updated. It was created using Cookie Run Kingdom version 5.3 and each section is numbered, with the top spot reserved for the strongest cookie in that specific type.

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