The best Holger 556 class in Warzone: accessories, perks, equipment

The Holger 556 is a difficult to master but devastating assault rifle in Warzone. Find out how to equip it.

When deploying to Urzikstan, it’s best to have a solid idea of ​​the most effective weapons in Call of Duty: Warzone.

Assault rifles are still one of the most popular options, and with good reason. Indeed, ARs are the kings of versatility, combining excellent TTK with a good mix of precision, maneuverability and mobility.

One of the most exciting assault rifles is undoubtedly the Holger 556. The latter is finicky, and difficult to learn for new players. However, those who take the time to tame it will have in their hands a weapon with incomparable destructive potential.

Here’s everything you need to know to build the best Holger 556 class in Warzone.


Holger 556 assault rifle in Warzone

The best Holger 556 class in Warzone

The best accessories for the Holger 556

  • Bouche: Silencieux Spitfire VT-7
  • Canon: Chrios-6 Math
  • Magazine:40-round magazine
  • Goggles: Corio Eagleseye 2.5x
  • Stock:RB Addle Assault Stock

The Holger 556 shines in medium and long range confrontations in Warzone. However, it is important to give it a little boost with the Spitfire VT-7 Silencer and the Chrios-6 Math Cannon in order to slightly improve bullet speed and damage range.

To control the recoil of the beast, a stock is essential, and we advise you to opt for the RB Addle stock which is particularly effective.

The 40-round Finder is a must-have. You don’t want to run out of ammo in the middle of combat, so take the necessary measures.

Finally, our favorite is the Corio Eagleseye Glasses, but the choice of a Glasses is above all a question of preference. So don’t hesitate to adapt this accessory to your liking.

The best advantages with the Holger 556

  • Asset 1: Battle-hardened
  • Asset 2: Minesweeper
  • Asset 3: Rapid regeneration
  • Asset 4: Maximum alert

Two of the best perks to use in Warzone, at least if you like to play aggressively, are Battle Hardened and Minesweeper. The former works well against tactical equipment that can impact your vision while the latter helps mitigate damage from explosives such as claymores or proximity mines.

Rapid regeneration is extremely important in this game, as applying plates or killing players will instantly trigger your health regeneration. Finally, High Alert allows you to remain vigilant in case enemies in the distance are watching your every move.

The best equipment with the Holger 556

  • Tactical: Smoke grenade
  • Mortel: Semtex

Many tactical gear are worth considering, but the versatility of a smoke remains a safe bet. To sow chaos, to cover your escape or to block a line of sight, this little gem always finds its use.

On the Mortal side, good old Semtex always works miracles, so why deprive yourself of it?

How to unlock the Holger 556 in Warzone

To unlock the Holger 556 in Warzone, you need to reach level 37.

The best alternatives to the Holger 556 in Warzone

The MCW is a fantastic alternative to the Holger 556 in Warzone. Although the Holger 556 deals more damage, the MCW is much easier to control thanks to its low recoil.

Alternatively, you can try the Bruen, which hits just as hard as the Holger 556.

If you want to know more about Warzone, find our selection of guides:

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