The best Ice-type Pals in Palworld

Ice-type Pals are a versatile element type to keep on your team when exploring since they are particularly effective against Dragon-type Pals and, when resting at base, help maintain coolness of your food. So find out which are the best Ice-type Pals in Palworld.

Although Ice-type Pals aren’t as formidable as their Fire-type counterparts, their strength against Dragon-type Pals and their adaptability to the job make them a worthy take.

Basically, Ice-type Pals can use the Chill feature to help keep food fresh longer, which is handy for players who like to stockpile snacks for themselves and their hungry Pals.

But it’s when exploring that having an Ice-type Pal can prove to be the most useful.

With their strength against Dragon-type Pals, Ice-type Pals are an immense boon for defeating and capturing legendary Pals like Jormuntide and Astegon.

So without further ado, here are the best Ice-type Pals.

The best Ice Pals from Palworld


Frostallion in Palworld
  • Element: Ice
  • Partner Skill: Ice Pegasus – When mounted, grants the player’s attacks the Ice type and empowers Ice-type attacks.
  • Work Compatibility: Cooling Lv 4

Frostallion is a legendary Pal, and easily one of the best in the game. Not only does his partner skill turn him into a flying mount, but it also changes the player’s damage type to Ice when they attack from Frostallion’s back.

As a Legendary Pal, you can expect it to put up a considerable fight, so be sure to bring a suitable Fire-type Pal like Blazamut or Ragnahawk to get it.


Penking in Palworld
  • Element: Ice & Water
  • Partner Skill: Sea Warrior – When fighting alongside him, the number of items obtained increases if a Fire-type Pal is defeated.
  • Work Compatibility: Mining Lv 2, Transport Lv 2, Watering Lv 2, Manual Labor Lv 2, Cooling Lv 2

Powerful hitting and tough, Penking is considered a rare Pal and is of great use when exploring dungeons.

Penking is also a great Pal for the base, thanks to its wide range of Work Compatibility.


Cryolinx in Palworld
  • Element: Ice
  • Partner Skill: Dragon Slayer – When fighting alongside him, the number of items obtained increases if a Dragon-type Pal is defeated.
  • Job Compatibility: Manual Labor Lv 1, Deforestation Lv 2, Cooling Lv 3

Cryolinx is a Rank A Pal that can be captured around the Pristine Snowfield. You can also hatch Cryolinx from a Large Frozen Egg or pay a Merchant to obtain one.

While not as strong or versatile as Penking, Cryolinx has two additional Job Compatibilities, Deforestation and Manual Labor, making it a good basic worker.

Cryolinx has good starting stats, which continue to increase at a decent rate as it levels up, making it a great option to keep on the team for LvL 30 players.

And here is our list of the best Ice-type Pals that we recommend you have with you in Palworld.

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