The Best PvP Advice After the Pokemon Go Mega Raid Disaster

The Pokemon Go community gave excellent advice to a player who shared their disappointing Mega Raid experience.

Players who want to participate in PvE boss battles can choose from various types of Raid Passes in Pokemon Go. Completing Research Breakthroughs is the most frequent method of obtaining free Remote Raid Passes.

A user who plays for free on Reddit shared a story about how they lost their Remote Raid Pass that they had earned through hard work. They had been invited to a Mega Raid by another Trainer, but right before the battle began, the person who invited them suddenly left.

Despite being unable to retrieve their lost pass, a user by the name of NaonAdni shared a helpful tip on preventing the loss of Raid Passes in cases where teammates abruptly leave before the battle commences.

pokemon go mega raid
The Pokemon Company

Pokemon Go Remote Raid Pass

The Redditor recommends that all Pokemon Go players create an empty PvP team and save it for Raids. This can be done by clicking on the Party tab in the PvP Battle menu.

“The person explained that if you anticipate players leaving during a raid, it would be wise to select the empty team as your opening team while waiting for the raid to start.”

If any other Trainers leave before the battle begins, the game will ask the player to select a different team instead of starting the Raid. The user who remains should have no trouble leaving the match without losing their Raid Pass, as it will not be counted as participating in the battle.

Currently, NaonAdni’s comment has received even higher upvote counts than the original Mega Raid post. Many Pokemon Go players have expressed their gratitude to them for sharing the helpful tip.

A certain comment on the subreddit expresses, “This absolutely deserves to be highlighted at the very top of this subreddit! It’s the most fantastic tip I’ve come across in years!”

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