The Best Race for Each Class in World of Warcraft: The War Within

One of the most important choices you will face in World of Warcraft: The War Within is selecting which character to play for your upcoming journey.

The game offers a highly immersive and diverse character creation experience, with a plethora of options to select from. While individual preferences may vary, there are specific playable races that excel as ideal choices for each class within the game.

In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with all the information you need to select the most suitable race for each class in World of Warcraft: The War Within. This includes an in-depth analysis of racial abilities and their ties to the game’s lore.

Table of Contents

The Best Race for Each Class in The War Within

It is worth noting that the Evoker is not included in this list before we dive into the top race and class combinations for your initial Delve experience in The War Within.

At present, only the Dracthyr race can choose the Evoker class, which was first introduced in Dragonflight. However, if this changes in the future, we will make sure to revise this guide accordingly.

The Best Race for Rogues: Night Elf

Night Elf Rogue World of Warcraft.

Despite commonly being linked to classes that prioritize nature, such as Druids and Hunters, Night Elves excel as Rogues.

Night Elves possess unique racial abilities and skills, including Shadowmeld, a secondary Stealth that can be extremely useful for evading enemies. Additionally, they have increased dodge chance and movement, particularly when in Stealth, and their attacks are quicker during nighttime.

The Rogues’ preferred style of attack is well-suited for the Night Elf models, which are both graceful and lethal. These models appear natural when wielding ornate daggers in each hand and concealing themselves in the shadows.

Best Druid Race: Worgen

Worgen Druid World of Warcraft.

Werewolves already possess the ability to shapeshift to a certain degree, but Druids enhance this ability by granting them additional forms such as Cat Form and Travel Form.

Additionally, Worgens possess the Running Wild racial ability, which transforms them into their true form and enables them to swiftly traverse the map at a speed of 200%. This exceptional mobility, especially when combined with their Druid abilities, makes Worgens formidable opponents in PvP scenarios.

If you have a strong interest in the fascinating lore of World of Warcraft, Worgens are an obvious choice for this class.

In Silverpine Forest, the Gilneas Liberation Front used their Bear Form to deceive the enemy. When defeated, the bears would transform back into Worgens. Since their curse is linked to the dream, it can be assumed that Worgens have a natural inclination towards this class.

Best Mage Race: Blood Elf

Blood Elf Mage World of Warcraft.

Staying true to the lore, the Blood Elf race and Mage class make a perfect, albeit dark, match. This combination is definitely worth considering if you desire to create a character with a compelling and dynamic backstory.

When it comes to useful racial abilities, Blood Elves are able to use Arcane Torrent, which allows them to remove a beneficial effect from enemies and also replenish a significant amount of mana.

Additionally, they receive an Arcane damage reduction, increased Enchanting abilities, and a slight Critical Strike enhancement, making them a valuable choice for individuals who prefer a powerful ranged DPS playstyle.

Choosing the Best Race for Your Shaman: Why Orcs Reign Supreme

Orc Shaman in World of Warcraft.

Shamans often choose Orcs as their favored race due to their rich mythological connections. With well-known figures such as Thrall and intriguing groups like the Dark Shaman or Guardians of the Vault to draw inspiration from, it’s no surprise that Orc Shamans are a popular choice.

While Orc Shamans are known for their lore-based approach rather than their abilities, it should not be underestimated that their skills are still highly proficient.

One of the most significant racial abilities available is Blood Fury, which increases melee and ranged attack power for 15 seconds. This can prove to be extremely valuable for Shamans, regardless of their chosen spec or Hero Talent.

Best Demon Hunter Race: Night Elf


The edgy Demon Hunter class is a natural choice for Night Elves, as they offer numerous customization options and possess the ideal build for the class’s armor. This choice is also supported by lore.

The Shadowmeld ability proves to be useful once again in this situation, allowing a swift and deadly class to remain hidden until the ability is deactivated or movement begins. This can greatly impact the timing of an attack.

Best Warrior Race: Gnome

Gnome Warrior World of Warcraft.

Is there anything more exhilarating than leading the charge in battle as an elusive Tank? Although their large stature may pose some challenges, the Gnome Escape Artist Racial makes them a valuable choice, especially for PvP enthusiasts.

Escape Artist is a valuable trait possessed by Gnomes, allowing them to break free from any stun or movement-restricting attack. This makes them formidable competitors in the Arena. Gnome Warriors are not only entertaining to play, but also exciting to observe in combat, and they are not a commonly chosen class.

Top Choice for Monks: Pandaren

Pandaren Monk World of Warcraft.

When the Pandaren were introduced in 2012 as part of the Mists of Pandaria expansion, the new Monk class was also released. For players who enjoy the lore, this combination is a must-try for their collection of alternate characters.

Despite being enslaved and prohibited from using weapons, the Pandaren devoted themselves to mastering their Chi and developing combat skills without the use of external instruments.

The Pandaren’s innate ability, ‘Quaking Palm,’ aligns perfectly with their traditional beliefs, allowing them to put their enemies to sleep for four seconds. This gives them ample time to either attack, heal, or flee from danger.

Best Warlock Race: Orc

Orc Warlock World of Warcraft.

For those interested in delving into the darker side of World of Warcraft lore, Orc Warlocks are the ideal choice.

Orc Warlocks are not only linked to their lore, but also possess immense power due to the Orc’s racial abilities.

Blood Fury and Hardiness are certainly beneficial, providing a temporary increase in attack power for 15 seconds and decreasing stun effect durations by 20%. However, the Command ability holds the utmost importance in this scenario as it applies a 1% damage buff to pets.

Even though it may seem insignificant, this ability can prove to be extremely beneficial during difficult boss battles in end-game content.

Choosing the Best Race for a Death Knight: Why Trolls Reign Supreme

Death Knight Troll from World of Warcraft.

Despite not appearing to be an obvious choice for Death Knights, Trolls possess racial abilities that make them an ideal selection.

The user’s health regeneration is boosted by 10% through regeneration, which can occur during combat. Additionally, Berserking provides a 15% Haste increase for 10 seconds. Together, these abilities synergize to enhance the tankiness of the Death Knight in question.

Furthermore, Da Voodoo Shuffle is an advantageous ability that decreases the duration of movement impairing effects by a total of 20%. Given that Death Knights are not particularly mobile, this skill greatly improves their effectiveness in scenarios such as Battlegrounds.

Recommended Hunter race: Night Elf

Night Elf Hunter World of Warcraft.

In the community, Hunters are highly favored by Night Elf fans, second only to Druids. This is due to their compelling story connections and impressive animations, which are complemented by the thematically fitting abilities found in the Night Elf toolkit.

The Night Elf background is a perfect fit for Hunters as they spend a significant amount of time completely immersed in nature. The Beast Mastery specialization is especially fitting, allowing Hunters to form strong bonds with their four-legged (or no-legged) companions.

Having the Shadowmeld racial is especially beneficial for Night Elf Hunters when soloing content. The combination of nature resistance and Quickness also provides additional dodge chances, making them a formidable duo – though it may be a somewhat predictable choice.

Best Paladin Race: Lightforged Draenei

Lightforged Paladin World of Warcraft.

Are there any other Paladin races that could rival the Lightforged Draenei? They are widely considered one of the most intriguing Allied Races in the game, and their unique racial abilities make them an ideal choice for wielding a hammer as a Paladin.

In addition to receiving an experience boost for defeating demons and having convenient access to a Forge, Lightforged Draenei possess two racial attacks infused with Holy magic.

Light’s Judgement is a potent AoE attack, while Light’s Reckoning is an active-upon-death ability that unleashes holy light, which damages enemies and heals allies. This makes them highly effective in PvP, and they also possess an extra 1% resistance to Holy damage.

Recommended Priest Race: Void Elves

Void Elf Shadow Priest World of Warcraft.

Despite the suitability of various races for Priests, the Void Elf stands out as the most thematically impressive option, not just for Shadow Priests, but also for all other specializations. This combination proves to be exceptionally effective.

The lore of Shadow Priests and Void Elves share many similarities, and watching a Void Elf in Shadowform casting is truly remarkable. The race-class combination offers endless possibilities for transmogrification.

The Preternatural Calm ability of Void Elves is an extremely valuable asset for Priests, as it allows them to continue casting spells uninterrupted even when under attack from enemies. This makes it particularly beneficial for Healers who often face intense pressure in their roles.

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