The Best Resources to Deepen Your Knowledge of Warhammer 40K Lore

The Warhammer 40,000 universe is vast and intricate, making it a challenge to explore. This guide highlights some of the best sources for Warhammer 40K lore to help you get started on your journey.

As avid Warhammer 40K fans, we always feel excitement when someone asks, “Where do I start?” However, this question often comes with a hint of dread, as it can be challenging to provide an answer.

With the upcoming release of Space Marine 2 in 2024, the Warhammer 40K universe has gained significant exposure, with the game rapidly becoming one of the most popular Warhammer titles ever. Our review discusses how the game serves as a tribute to fans, packed with references that veteran players and lore enthusiasts will appreciate.

However, much of the Warhammer 40K media can be challenging for newcomers to grasp. To assist new fans, we’ve compiled a list of top sources for Warhammer 40K lore to help you begin your journey. Here they are.

Warhammer 40K Know No Fear Cover Art
Games Workshop

Ready to discover how this character can survive in the vacuum of space while battling demons on his church-ship?

Lexicanum – The Warhammer 40K Wiki

A well-known resource, Lexicanum serves as a comprehensive Wiki filled with a wealth of Warhammer 40K knowledge. For a basic understanding of the universe, simply search for a character, concept, or faction that intrigues you and explore from there.

Any unfamiliar term will usually have its own link for further exploration, allowing you to follow various paths of interest. Want a complete timeline of the Warhammer 40K universe? It’s available here. Curious about how a Boltgun works? Lexicanum has the answers.

While reading can help you grasp the lore, terms like The Horus Heresy or Omnissiah may seem overwhelming. If you prefer a more auditory approach, exploring Warhammer 40K lore through content creators might be more your style.


Majorkill is a popular YouTuber who creates content related to both Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K. We recommend them because they produce concise videos that rarely exceed 20 minutes.

As a beginner, investing over an hour to learn about fictional space-fascists and their numerous enemies can be daunting. Majorkill delivers informative content in a digestible format that should provide a solid understanding without being overwhelming.

Known for their humor, Majorkill’s ‘Explained by an Australian’ series provides a unique perspective that enhances your understanding of the lore. Moreover, you’ll catch up on Warhammer 40K memes, often containing kernels of truth that can help contextualize your exploration of the lore.


For many franchise fans, Leutin09 stands out as the gold standard for disseminating Warhammer 40K lore. This creator possesses an extensive understanding of the setting, akin to a PhD.

Prepare for videos that often exceed an hour, providing comprehensive breakdowns of various topics. You’ll typically uncover more than you expected, as their videos often include tangential discussions about related factions or events.

Diving into a Leutin09 video on a topic of interest can initially seem daunting due to the depth of knowledge presented. Luckily, there are excellent entry points.

We recommend starting with their ‘WTF is Warhammer 40K’ video which covers the core narrative and associated hobbies, making it a great introduction. For a deeper dive, Leutin09’s series on the Emperor of Mankind serves as a crucial entry point, illuminating various aspects of the lore.

The Black Library

Finally, we arrive at the ultimate source of Warhammer 40K lore: The Black Library, consisting of the official works from Games Workshop. These stories create the vast majority of the lore discussed throughout this guide.

This resource appears last on our list for a couple of reasons. First, the number of works in The Black Library is staggering. The Horus Heresy series comprises 64 full novels, each exceeding 400 pages. This serves as just the historical backdrop for Warhammer 40K and requires significant time investment.

Additionally, these books come at a cost, while the other sources mentioned only require an internet connection. Although you do pay for that too, it provides broader benefits beyond just Warhammer 40K lore.

If you’re willing to overcome these hurdles or are eager to immerse yourself in the fandom, there’s no better way to experience Warhammer 40K stories than by reading them. Alternatively, many of the 64 Horus Heresy books, along with others, are available on Audible.

We recommend first-time readers begin with Horus Rising, the initial book in the Horus Heresy series, designed specifically for newcomers. For stories set in the year 40,000 and beyond, consider Space Wolf by William King, which follows a character unaware of the Imperium’s existence as they become a Space Marine, allowing you to learn alongside them.

Warhammer 40K Lore Books
Games Workshop

This list contains resources for every type of prospective Warhammer 40K lore enthusiast. After watching a few videos or dedicating an hour or two to reading, you’ll understand why this lore can be so addictive.

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