The best way to gear up in World Tier 4 of Diablo 4

Combat and build experimentation in Diablo 4 is pretty much linear as you go around exploring and leveling up until you find a better piece of gear to replace your current items with. However, waiting for the perfect drops is something that is making the players suffer significantly in higher World Tiers. Many players who dreamt of Ancestral drops are suffering due to their rarity.

Blizzard Entertainment has worked relentlessly during the game’s development to make it as flawless as possible. The dynamic leveling system never lets you have a moment of rest, as you start receiving better and better loot as you progress through Diablo 4.

What exactly are you doing wrong in Diablo 4 World Tier 4?

As you level up and progress through the various World Tiers in the game, you will soon be able to upgrade to World Tier 3 Nightmare after you beat the Cathedral of Light Capstone Dungeon. Gearing up in World Tier 3 is similar to the previous two tiers, as you get better drops in the form of Sacred items. Hence, you can continue leveling up to finally reach World Tier 4 Torment.

Once you are strong enough and are almost at Level 70 in Diablo 4, you can take on the Fallen Temple Capstone Dungeon in the Dry Steppes to unlock World Tier 4. The biggest prerogative of this difficulty level is the presence of attractive Ancestral loot and more XP.

However, sooner or later, you will soon come to realize that acquiring the Ancestral Unique items is exceedingly rare in the action RPG. This is where most of the builds start to fall apart as players keep waiting for Ancestral Legendary or Unique items and get absolutely destroyed by all the monsters in Diablo 4.

The solution to this problem is quite simpler than you think

If you are in World Tier 4 Torment, and this problem sounds quite relatable to you, you are basically gearing up wrong. The solution to this problem is very simple. In your 60-70 levels of exploration through Sanctuary, it is natural that you have completed quite a few number of dungeons and have a hefty amount of crafting materials in your inventory.

Now, all you have to do is capitalize on the Ancestral Rare items that drop for you during your exploration in World Tier 4. You should definitely pick one up and use it if you consider it to be good. No need to contemplate if you should wait for a Legendary drop or a Unique item drop.

You can easily make an Ancestral Rare item into your very own Ancestral Legendary item. Just find the right Aspect to go with in your build, and imprint it on your Ancestral Rare item of choice to have a brand new Ancestral Legendary piece of gear in Diablo 4.

This is one of the simplest features that many seem to ignore in search of the perfect Ancestral Legendary or Unique item. However, you should always make one for yourself, as Legendary and Unique drops in World Tier 4 Torment are quite rare to get.

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