The date of the next GTA 6 trailer would be hidden before your eyes

An enthusiastic GTA 6 fan is convinced that a clue to the upcoming trailer was hiding in plain sight thanks to a set of birds – seriously. However, some fans aren’t convinced.

Towards the end of 2023, Rockstar Games finally gave the gaming world what they’ve been waiting for for years – their first look at Grand Theft Auto 6 and confirmed some of the rumors that had been circulating for some time.

The highly anticipated title, scheduled for release in 2025, will take us back to a modern Vice City and put us in the shoes of Lucia and Jason, in what appears to be a Bonnie and Clyde story.

While Rockstar promised fans that they would get more previews of the game in the near future, they have gone back to being a bit secretive about things and won’t confirm any dates. So, fans have taken matters into their own hands to try and guess when the next GTA 6 preview might arrive. And, well, one fan believes birds – yes, birds – might hold the clue.

GTA 6 Fan Believes Birds Give Clues in Second Trailer

That’s right, if you spotted a flock of birds in the opening scenes of GTA 6’s initial trailer, then Redditor Reckoning_2439 believes they hold the key to when Rockstar will drop the next volley of details.

Trailer 2 date prediction byu/Reckoning_2439 inGTA6

If you’re not as perceptive as the Redditor, then you’ll have missed the first flight – which contains six birds – flying over Vice City. There is then a second flight – this time containing 10 birds – flying over what appears to be a prison fence.

According to the enthusiastic Redditor, this indicates that the next set of trailers will arrive in June and October.

Some fans were quick to dismiss this as simple “nonsense”and “insanity”on the GTA 6 fan’s part, saying they were making connections where they probably shouldn’t.

However, they’re not the only ones who believe the trailer contains hints for the future, as another believes Rockstar may have hinted at September as well. So, we’ll have to wait and see who ends up being right.

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