In the climactic episodes of Landman, Tommy forges an unexpected bond with a new animal companion—an ominous coyote. This development raises alarm bells in the context of Taylor Sheridan’s gripping drama series. (Spoiler Warning: This piece contains spoilers!)
Animal symbolism has been a recurring theme in Sheridan’s narratives, with notable instances such as Kayce’s connection to a wolf in Yellowstone. However, Landman highlights the clearest example of foreshadowing yet.
Tommy interacts with the coyote on two significant occasions. The first occurs at the conclusion of Episode 9, where he observes a neighbor shoot a coyote, who is blamed for preying on pets. In a stark contrast, Episode 10 closes with a bloodied Tommy issuing a warning to another coyote: “You better run, buddy. They kill coyotes around here.”
Decoding the Coyote: A Symbol of Tommy’s Uncertain Destiny
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Billy Bob Thornton elaborated on the coyote’s symbolism in the finale, suggesting it may foreshadow an even darker and more violent future for Tommy. He noted, “The symbolism of the coyote, to me, and I’ve discussed this extensively with Taylor, hints at deep underlying themes.”
Thornton continued, stating, “There was originally more dialogue in both coyote scenes, but we ultimately decided these moments should be mostly silent. It’s Tommy locking eyes with this wild creature, which I believe carries profound significance.”
He described Tommy’s gaze at the coyote as a pivotal moment: “It’s as if he’s contemplating, ‘Here they come for me.’ Or is he questioning his own identity—am I the coyote? Am I a lone wolf traversing these perilous plains, trying to survive? Is the coyote a representation of the cartel?”
Thornton emphasizes that this scene encapsulates Tommy’s internal struggle, where he confronts both his own identity and the looming specter of death.
Tommy narrowly escapes death in the Season 1 finale of Landman
The outlook for Tommy is grim. Although he survived the harrowing torture at the hands of the cartel, he has gained a new adversary in Gallino. Furthermore, with the death of his boss and mentor Monty, Tommy is thrust into an unwanted leadership role fraught with challenges.
This ominous coyote imagery suggests that trouble is on the horizon for Tommy, paving the way for potential conflicts and peril ahead.
Catch all episodes of Landman currently available for streaming on Paramount+. For insight into what the future holds, check out our guide on the possibility of a Season 2.
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