The Fall of One Piece’s Rocks Pirates: Insights on Internal Betrayal

In the intricate world of One Piece, the enigmatic Rocks Pirates serve as a stark example of ambition and treachery. This legendary crew, once feared across the seas, ultimately met their demise at God Valley, raising intriguing questions about internal betrayal.

This article explores the compelling theory that several traitors existed among their ranks, focusing on key figures such as Stussy, Ochoku, and Captain John. By examining their potential motives and connections, this analysis reveals how these betrayals not only led to the downfall of the Rocks Pirates but also altered the trajectory of pirate history within the One Piece universe.

Edward Newgate (Image via Toei Animation)
Edward Newgate (Image via Toei Animation)

Initially, the evidence suggests that two prominent figures, Whitebeard and Big Mom, can likely be excluded as traitors. Whitebeard, renowned for his unwavering belief in camaraderie, would not betray or harm his crewmates, as doing so would contradict his core values. This philosophy underscores his character, making his involvement in treachery at God Valley highly improbable.

Likewise, Big Mom adheres to a pirate code of honor, despite her ambition to become Pirate King. Her actions affirm her loyalty, evidenced by her effort to rescue Kaido following his defeat. Historical context reveals that when Kaido vanished, he was confined at Punk Hazard, prompting speculation about possible betrayal from within.

Stussy (Image via Toei Animation)
Stussy (Image via Toei Animation)

One significant figure that links the Rocks Pirates and MADS is Stussy. If the original Stussy possessed the same Devil Fruit powers as her clone, it enables the theory that she might have stealthily incapacitated Kaido. This raises the possibility that Stussy may have betrayed Kaido in exchange for her position within MADS.

The narrative takes an intriguing turn when considering Kaido’s comments in Chapter 987, suggesting that some members of the Rocks Pirates fled prior to the battle’s conclusion. This leads to speculation about Ochoku, who survived the confrontation and later claimed Pirate Island for himself. Was his survival a result of betrayal?

Shiki (Image via Toei Animation)
Shiki (Image via Toei Animation)

Another possible traitor is Shiki, known for his ambitious desires to forge a new era. However, evidence from Chapter 0 of Strong World—recognized as canon—depicts Shiki conferring with Whitebeard and heralding the dawn of a new era. This implies that Shiki maintained his loyalty, as Whitebeard would not have tolerated treachery from one of his own.

One Piece: The Treasures of God Valley

God Valley (Image via Toei Animation)
God Valley (Image via Toei Animation)

The enigma surrounding the treasures of God Valley adds further complexity to this intricate web of betrayal. Of the six treasures, one was claimed by Kuma, while another was taken from Ivankov by Big Mom and later handed over to Kaido.

This leaves four treasures still undiscovered, suggesting the possibility that a member of the Rocks Pirates may have laid claim to one. Captain John, whose treasure was first mentioned long ago, is rumored to have possessed a substantial cache from God Valley.

Buggy has been in pursuit of Captain John's treasure for a long time (Image via Toei Animation)
Buggy has been in pursuit of Captain John’s treasure for a long time (Image via Toei Animation)

The search for Captain John’s treasure has even become a quest for Buggy, who believes it lies hidden on an island shaped like a skull. This leads to speculation that John may have seized one of the treasures amid the chaos of God Valley, escaping alongside Ochoku.

As for two other key members of the Rocks Pirates, Gloriosa and Silver Axe, evidence regarding their potential betrayals is limited. With Silver Axe being resurrected as one of Moria’s zombies, it is believed that he perished during the events at God Valley, which lessens the likelihood of his betrayal. Conversely, Gloriosa does not display characteristics indicative of treachery, making her an unlikely candidate.

Final Thoughts

Rocks D. Xebec (Image via Toei Animation)
Rocks D. Xebec (Image via Toei Animation)

This theory suggests that there may have been three traitors within the Rocks Pirates. The evidence compiled indicates that Stussy, Ochoku, and Captain John played critical roles in the betrayal at God Valley. Each of these characters connects deeply with the events that transpired at God Valley, uncovering a complicated narrative of ambition, survival, and treachery that significantly influenced the course of pirate history.


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