The Finals players reassured by the trailer: season 2 promises to be epic

The trailer for season 2 of The Finals has finally been released and several players, who were worried about the future of the game, have seen their faith restored.

After a long Season 1 featuring multiple buffs, nerfs, special events, challenges, and plenty of destruction, Embark Studios finally gave players a glimpse of what to expect with Season 2 of The Finals. The new season is scheduled to release on March 14, 2024, which means fans will have something new to check out very soon.

With the release of the Season 2 trailer, several players have found their faith. Indeed, the community wondered if the game was slowly dying. With the new content shown in the trailer, needless to say, player sentiment has taken a positive turn.

The Finals players convinced that season 2 will be “great”

On Reddit, player DeltaXero posted several images from the season 2 trailer. He then asked the community for their “impressions on the new abilities/gadgets/weapons?” “.

its finally here, thoughts on the new abilities/gadgets/guns? byu/DeltaXero inthefinals

Several players felt that the Season 2 trailer should “reassure those who feared the game was dying.”

Key elements in The Finals Season 2 trailer concern private matches and a new 5v5 mode. With these two additions, fans believe that “people will have to come up with different reasons to say the game is going to die now.””I’m excited for both, but especially 5v5, it should be crazy,” one said.

Also, the Data Reshaper is a new mechanic shown in the trailer where players of average build could transform various objects into harmless scenery. Players immediately started getting creative. One said: “I have to try and remodel a red can in mid-flight now.”

Some mid-build players agreed that “Ziplining was a must because team mobility is super important.”They added that “giving other classes access to team mobility is probably the best way to solve the problem.”

The trailer for season 2 therefore brought back the enthusiasm that was missing from The Finals. The new content “looks cool”and players “can’t wait to try it out and see people crying over nerfs.”Only time will tell if this Season 2 of The Finals will be as popular as players hope.

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