The Korean milk advertising model became popular! “milk boy” from Sweden is handsome and cute. Netizens: I haven’t wanted to buy something for a long time

(Cover image source: screenshot of YouTube@동원F&B, IG@jonathan.kallifatides)

After reading it, I think the milk is super delicious, this is the importance of advertising models XD

This ad is only 39 seconds long, and it has exceeded 10 million views since it was released on YouTube at the end of June! In the ad, the model is dressed as a person named “Mark”, playing noun combinations with “Denmark”and “mart”, not only the handsome face makes people fall in love at first sight, but also the playful appearance of biting the milk carton and cheese bag is even more adorable. Call~!

(Source: Screenshot of YouTube@동원F&B)

Korean netizen: “The advertising planner deserves the annual advertising award. It is the first time that I want to buy something because of an advertisement.””I want to buy even if I am lactose intolerant.””It really looks so fresh and delicious. “”It’s been a long time since I saw such an ad that stimulates the desire to buy.””Chebai has always used this model, okay?””Watching YouTube in the living room with my mother, seeing this ad, the two laughed together and saw the last kkk””Shoot the first Second bomb, I want to see more of this Danish youth.”

This advertisement was reposted on several Korean forums, and many netizens were curious about who this handsome “milk youth”is! Dongyuan F&B also heard everyone’s voice, and posted an announcement on the official website, revealing that the model himself is actually a Swedish man named Frans Jonathan, who is a fashion model by profession. Then the netizens immediately dug out his IG, how should I put it, with this good looks, everyday casual photos are art!

Jonathan has posted a lot of photos of traveling and working in South Korea this year. Although there are only more than 2,000 followers, more and more Korean netizens have started to leave messages after the milk advertisement became popular!

Today, he posted a milk advertisement on PO and left a message saying “Officially the Milk man of korea”, once again causing the message area to be “captured”by Korean: “Come back to Korea, milk boy””Because you love milk””It’s so handsome, international marriage I can do it!””I will look for Danish milk in the future, and come to Korea often!”

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