The male god has always favored fans like this! “Ghost Haidilao” Zhao Yincheng rented a movie theater at his own expense to entertain fans to watch the new work! Of course, there is also a stage greeting~

(Cover image source: Garage Entertainment, Facebook @NEW)

Recently, the movie “Ghost Haidilao”, which has a good box office in South Korea, is currently being screened in Taiwan, and the male actor Jo In-sung, whenever he releases a new work, always pays for the fans and rents the cinema hall at his own expense. Invite fans to enjoy the movie, and of course this time is no exception.

(Source: Garage Entertainment)

This movie “Ghost Haidilao”is not only a noir movie about smuggling crimes, but also has many incomprehensible scheming. Although Zhao Yincheng’s role in the film is not too many, he is a very key character. On the first weekend of its broadcast in Korea, Jo In-sung entertained the members of the official fan club to the cinema to watch, and the actors who starred in the film also came here to give a short stage greeting, which moved the fans.

(Source: Garage Entertainment)

Zhao Yincheng said that it is really a long time to meet everyone with a movie. “Ghost Haidilao”was filmed two years ago, and he also hopes to release it as soon as possible. In the second half of this year, Jo In Sung’s works “Ghost Haidilao”, “Moving Ability”and “Accidentally Became the President”will be released one after another. He also joked that it seems that he has appeared so often in front of fans for the first time in 25 years. At the same time, he also led the main actors to thank the fans for their support.

Jo In Sung is very grateful to the fans who have supported him all the way since his debut, and also feels that it is not easy for fans to love a person so intently and not change their minds for such a long time. Relevant personnel of Zhao Yincheng’s company also said that the release of “Shengui Haidilao”originally wanted to invite a few award-winning fans to entertain, but Zhao Yincheng always rented a large movie theater directly out of his own pocket, and not only once or twice, but Every time a new work is released, Jo In-Cheng loves his fans so much, because Jo In-Sung hopes to let his fans see the work first, and also hopes to give a small return to the fans for their support.

(Source: Facebook@NEW)

In “God and Ghost Haidilao”, Jo In Sung plays a national smuggler king known as Sergeant Quan. His methods are so cruel that even Kim Hye Soo is scared to tremble when he sees him! You can go to the cinema to experience the handsome and unusual aura! Now in theaters across Taiwan.

(Source: Facebook@NEW)

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