Fights against recognizable bosses that put your combat prowess to the test are essential to the Dark Souls experience since without them, the game’s universe would be incomplete. Having said that, not every supervisor is created equal. Some are there only to contribute to the lore, while others seem to exist solely for the purpose of making your life a living hell. Yet, there are a select handful that truly make the battle worthwhile, despite the fact that they are extremely difficult to overcome. With this, we have a listing of every boss in Dark Souls, rated according to how challenging they are.
26. Moonlight Butterfly
This boss provides you with nothing but stunning aesthetics, living up to its name of the Moonlight Butterfly, which describes it perfectly. Being an optional boss, it places a high priority on displaying its distinctive enemy design, which highlights the enchantment of the Darkroot Garden, the location in which it inhabits. Protect yourself from its arrows and avoid its homing strikes to win the fight more quickly. If you tank the projectile attacks with your shield, you will still take damage, but it will be less severe than the damage you would take if you missed your dodge. After avoiding its attacks, wait for it to land to deal significant damage, and you should be able to quickly finish it out in one or two cycles.
25. Pinwheel
It is important not to allow this boss’s capacity to clone enemies or its spooky appearance frighten you because it can be defeated very fast. The fact that this boss is so simple to defeat is nearly infuriating, given that it has a limited move set, an Area of Effect (AOE) strike that is simple to avoid, and deals only a little amount of damage. If you deal one hit to its clone, the illusion will be broken, and you will then be able to load as many hits as possible into the actual Pinwheel. After that, the cycle starts over, so all you have to do is give it a good scrub and do it once more, and you’ll be done before you know it.
24. Asylum Demon
The Asylum Demon is a tutorial boss that just teaches you how to operate the game, but it does not necessarily prepare you for what is yet to be delivered to you later on in the game, hence it is very easy for it to make its way to the bottom of this list. You can just utilize the plunge attack at the beginning of the fight and then deal a significant amount of damage as you trail after it until the finish of the battle if your opponent uses slow-sweeping strikes that are exceedingly simple to avoid.
23. Ceaseless Discharge
A boss that is only there to add to the story; the name of this monster is rather funny. If you flee back to the fog gate as soon as you awaken it, he will vanish from existence as nothing ever was. You can deal some damage for fun, but soon it will stroll to the edge of the cliff and then throw itself off in a pitiful attempt to be closer to you before it falls to its own death. You can still attempt to fight it, but the truly challenging bosses that are farther down the last will definitely put your patience to the test, so you should spare yourself some time and sanity and avoid fighting it.
22. Dark Sun Gwyndolin
The battle with Dark Sun Gwyndolin, a great secret boss that you might choose to take on, can easily be finished in a short amount of time. All of its assaults are ranged and deal a lot of damage; the hallway it inhabits seems to go on forever. Running up to this boss a few times and sneaking in a couple of hits quickly ends the fight because this boss is the most vulnerable to damage in the game. If you simply hug the walls and wait patiently for an opening, you can quickly end the fight by running up to this boss a few times and sneaking in a couple of hits.
21. Taurus Demon
The unexpected entrance of the Taurus Demon in the Undead Burg is designed to scare you and catch you off guard, but it is really one of the more straightforward enemies to outwit. Before engaging in combat, ascend the ladder that is located to the left of the fog gate and eliminate the two skeleton archers that are perched atop the tower. As the boss appears, immediately begin using the plunging attack, avoid his attacks, and then continue using it. The journey to the tower consists of getting there and back again. This boss serves mostly as a learning exercise for the plunging attack, and nothing more.
20. Gaping Dragon
The terrifying appearance of the Gaping Dragon, which combines a dragon and a crocodile that is covered in teeth, along with a startling health bar to match, may lead you to immediately believe that it will be one of the most difficult enemies to defeat. It is easy to get behind it and strike its tail, hide between its sides, and sneak in as many hits as you can, Asylum Demon-style, because its attacks have ridiculously long windups. Be aware of the pools of acid that are scattered around the arena, as well as the spooky walk it does, as making contact with it will inflict a significant amount of damage on you.
19. Stray Demon
The Stray Demon is a hidden monster that can be encountered by going back to the location where the tutorial is located. It is a more powerful variant of the Asylum Demon, both in terms of its damage output and its attack range. It is especially frustrating that you incur damage from falling right at the beginning of the fight, in addition to the fact that its AOE does a significant amount of damage. But, after a few encounters with the Asylum Demon, its area-of-effect attacks will become easier to spot, and you will be able to continue using the same tactic against it with a heightened awareness to successfully avoid its blows.
18. Gravelord Nito
You may be tempted at first by the Gravelord Nito due to the fact that the arena is filled with hostile skeletons, its deadly broad attacks, tremendous AOE, and a scary appearance to match; yet, you will soon discover that all of these can work in your advantage. You may easily defeat this boss if you do as much damage as possible from behind. Its area-of-effect assault has the longest windup of any AOE attack ever, which means that you may easily avoid it and have it kill all of the skeletons. You can use the time it takes for it to call more enemies to your advantage and finish off this terrifying foe much more swiftly.
17. Crossbreed Priscilla
It is an optional boss that can turn invisible, and despite the fact that it is placed in a secret area, the experience of battling it is not very exciting. Its presence in the game could be considered an easter egg. Simply keep an eye out in the snow for the creature’s tracks, and ensure that the hybrid Priscilla stays in front of you at all times. When it does arrive, you should position yourself such that you are close to its tail in order to avoid its icy breath.
16. Iron Golem
Iron Golem is a frustratingly average fight, which is especially disappointing given that it is found in one of the most interesting places in the game. Its windups are exceedingly slow, despite the fact that its strikes are deadly and there is a potential that they would kill you in a single hit. You simply need to keep hitting its right leg while sliding ahead to avoid any attacks it makes. As it reaches 75% health, it will become unstable for a short period of time, giving you the opportunity to pile on some damage and ultimately bring this boss to its end.
15. Capra Demon
The Capra Demon has the ability to catch you off guard because the battle takes place in the tiniest arena conceivable, and there are two annoying dogs who are out to get you; this is a nightmare for people who are afraid of being claustrophobic. Because the deluge of strikes is so constant from the very beginning, there isn’t much time to let this sink in. When you have mastered how to efficiently avoid the first slam attack, you should immediately run up the stairs and eliminate the dogs as soon as they appear. The two-handed swipes it uses are extremely lethal, but due to the fact that it uses them repeatedly, it will get easier for you to avoid them as the battle progresses, allowing you to score enough hits to win.
14. Seath the Scaleless
The character of this boss, who is supposed to be one of the most well-defined in the mythos, is a letdown. It is a little unsettling how defenseless you feel when you spawn in a jail cell with a new bonfire, but this fight doesn’t present much of a challenge due to its low health points in comparison to its size and its restricted move set. The strategy consists of shattering the Primordial Crystal located in the back of the arena, spamming attacks towards its tail while keeping a tight eye on the combo moves that it uses on its tail, and that’s about it. Simply be aware of its width and get behind it as soon as possible to prevent getting caught in a chain of strikes that it will launch.
13. Bell Gargoyles
When you think you’re only a hair away from ringing the First Bell of Awakening, a second gargoyle comes in a moment that induces panic, making this the first time in the game that you have to face multiple bosses at once. The fact that the two have different move sets contributes to the difficulty of this fight; yet, it is not difficult enough to be considered a “hair-pulling boss fight.” The trick is to first kill the first gargoyle and then to split the two of them for a sufficient amount of time so that you can sneak in some damage while still having them in your line of sight. If you have accomplished this, you can then go on to kill the second gargoyle.
12. Gwyn, Lord of Cinder
This battle would be relatively uninteresting if it weren’t for the fact that you are slaying a hollow and hopeless version of the “ultimate boss” of the game, which has a tragic backstory, while a chilling musical score plays in the background. If that weren’t the case, the fight would be pretty boring. It’s a never-ending game of cat and mouse as you helplessly watch his life slip away in front of your eyes. Although he is quick and unyielding, and has a large amount of health points, his size is approximately identical to yours, which is in contrast to the other bosses, and he is knocked down practically every time you attack him. In spite of the fact that it is a humiliating display of just how far his authority has fallen, it does a fantastic job of illustrating the lore of the game.
11. Demon Firesage
Although though the Demon Firesage is nothing more than a flaming reskin of the Stray Demon with an identical move set, you should avoid staying on its back for an extended period of time because this boss can continuously attack you with its rump. Because the roots of the trees in this arena are literally everywhere, it is extremely impossible to dodge their massive area-of-effect slams. Be aware of the fire explosion that follows its light attacks, and continue to strafe as you travel in order to avoid it. Apart from that, this boss appears to be nothing more than an enraged combination of the Asylum Demon and the Stray Demon.
10. Centipede Demon
You will take damage from this boss regardless of where you are in the arena; therefore, the most effective strategy is to continue to move about while you do damage. You can easily earn a ring that significantly reduces the amount of damage you take from lava if you cut off the massive right arm of the boss monster first. If you find out how to counter its limited move set and delayed windups, you should be able to dispatch of this boss without too much trouble. The Centipede Demon may at first seem impossible to defeat, but with enough effort, it should eventually be possible.
9. Chaos Witch Quelaag
The fight against Quelaag, the boss of the Second Bell of Awakening, will undoubtedly be one of the most challenging encounters you have yet to face, particularly in the beginning of the game. Her horizontal sword swings are wide and exceedingly quick, making it difficult to avoid them. She often spews patches of lava into the arena to restrict your movement, and these swings are difficult to avoid because of the lava. Her AOE blast may potentially catch you off unprepared, therefore it is imperative that you maintain a safe distance whenever possible. The trick is to roll forward through her sweeping sword swings and hit her side while moving with her for multiple opportunities to hit. After that, you should preserve your distance until you can engage her in combat again.
8. Sif the Great Gray Wolf
After completing the game’s downloadable content (DLC) and discovering the reason why this lone wolf is stationed in the graveyard, you will find that this boss is even more difficult to defeat than it was before. Not only does it have a high level of agility, but the speed of its attacks can be completely unpredictable. If you don’t have your shield up, it causes a lot of damage, but if you have a lot of Estus with you and you keep targeting its hind legs, you should be able to win this fight if you have enough experience. This boss fight contributes a significant amount to the mythology without making the boss into an easy target, which allows Sif to easily move up in our rankings.
7. Four Kings
It is difficult to determine the best strategy for defeating this boss due to its absurd range and output damage. Additionally, it summons a homing orb that can deplete your health bar if you do not have a powerful magic shield, so it is difficult to determine whether you should get close to the boss or maintain your distance. Because it only calls forth the homing orb when you are a great distance away, you should retain your distance and keep rolling into their attacks at the appropriate times. You have to vanquish every opponent as soon as you have a chance, and it could take you anywhere from a few to a few attempts before you succeed. Be sure not to lose your cool when facing a challenging boss in the game; instead, keep your cool and be patient until you finally emerge victorious.
6. Bed of Chaos
We may blame it on the poor design of this monster and point out how this fight is overly difficult for all the wrong reasons, but there is no question that the Bed of Chaos is one of the most difficult bosses in the game to defeat. Choose the perfect moment to demolish the shield while avoiding the huge branch arms and continue to do so until you succeed. That is much easier to say than it is to accomplish, of course, because it is such a hair-pulling fight as you constantly tumble into the pits over and over again in what seems like an eternal nightmare. Yet it is possible to do it!
5. Sanctuary Guardian
The downloadable content for Dark Souls, which is included in the remastered version of the game, is the way to go about things if you feel that your life needs more anguish and agony. The DLC bosses all share a number of common characteristics, including incredibly hostile assaults that are difficult to avoid, extremely brief attack windows, and mind-numbing speed as they rush around the arena. The Sanctuary Demon is not an exception to this rule.
You should not believe that attacking from behind will be successful again since you do not want to be stung by the scorpion’s tail and poisoned. In addition to this, it leaves you with little enough time to drink Estus before the boss starts attacking you again, and he won’t even think twice about it. Wait for its attack, which will cause a shock wave to be visible in the water, so that you can avoid getting a headache. Repeat the process until you have survived long enough to reach this point once more, at which point you will roll to the side and try to sneak in a few more hits.
4. Ornstein and Smough
The battle against Ornstein and Smough is easily the most memorable one in Dark Souls, despite the fact that it is one of the toughest to win. Their move sets are perfectly in sync, with Ornstein utilizing quick, slashing attacks at close range, and Smough delivering lethal hits at the same range. When one of them is defeated, the other consumes its power and completely recovers, but considering how well-balanced the fight is in this gameplay, you really have no need to be angry about it. At this time, when your resources are running low, the generous arena and pillars are the only allies you have left. Carefully time your dodging and attacking, and then revel in the glory of your victory as the battle draws to a close.
3. Knight Artorias
Beating Knight Artorias, a boss who makes you feel inferior without having to be gigantic in size, needs expertise, as well as a tremendous degree of focus and patience. This tainted legend of a boss has unique movement, with a diverse move set and tremendously rapid long-range attacks that are unlike anything else in the game. There is no one strategy that can be used to kill this monster; nonetheless, you will need to take a defensive stance against him in order to win this fight. Because of his history, he is an extremely deserving opponent, and the fact that you will have a difficult time defeating him will make your win taste that much better.
2. Black Dragon Kalameet
The optional encounter with the Black Dragon Kalameet is something that will only be chosen by the most experienced and courageous players in the game. It’s either that, or you don’t mind piling on more misery to your already existing load. This boss fight will require you to bring your best gear and weapons in order to defeat it because it has the highest health pool, a threatening and varied move set that can kill in a single strike, and head swipes with ridiculously tricky timing. Despite bringing your best gear and weapons, it will still take you multiple tries to defeat this beast.
1. Manus, Father of the Abyss
The boss fight against Manus is difficult enough to make any grown man cry, and it appears to be nearly impossible to win. No matter how quickly you keep mashing the dodge button, it is impossible to avoid getting hit when you are facing assaults that are so devastatingly rapid. His combos are absurdly long and devastating, and they lock you for the remaining amount of damage even if you are only hit once. This is because they lock you for the remaining amount of damage.
Even if you are at the pinnacle of your talents, the fact that he possesses an enormous pool of health points and that his black magic assaults are insanely effective is a disadvantage. It is fortunate that the Silver Pendant can protect you from the magical attacks of Manus; however, you will need to carefully time when you activate this ability from the quick pick menu because this boss can kill you in an instant if you let your guard down for even a second.
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