The Power of Lathander’s Blood: A Blessing for Astarion’s BG3 Quest

The Blood of Lathander is a potent weapon in Baldur’s Gate 3, with numerous uses beyond combat. In fact, it is the ideal item to aid you through each stage of Astarion’s questline.

In Baldur’s Gate 3, there is a vast selection of powerful equipment that can transform you into a formidable and dangerous adversary. Among them, the Blood of Lathander shines as a standout weapon. Obtained early on in Act 1, it is the ideal choice for navigating through Astarion’s quest.

In Act 2, the lantern proves to be a valuable substitute for torches as you journey through the Shadow-Cursed Lands. However, it is not effective in the more densely populated areas where a Pixie or Isobel’s blessing is necessary. Nonetheless, it is a useful tool for finding the Last Light Inn.

Interestingly, The Blood of Lathander is an excellent means of locating and eliminating Vampires, but we will discuss that further.

The weapon’s emitted sunlight causes any spawn in Act 3 to immediately take damage, even through floors.

Astarion choking Petras in Baldur's Gate 3
Running Studios

Petras is one of the Vampire Spawn you can find in the Flophouse.

“I was initially confused when I came across a group of people in a particular Flophouse who appeared to be taking damage and then suddenly healing through walls and floors. However, upon closer inspection, I realized that they were actually Vampire Spawn who were able to heal themselves from Radiant Damage,”shared ‘BrideOfFirkenstein’ on Reddit.

When Astarion reveals his story to you, one of his tasks (depending on your decisions) is to locate Vampire Spawn who can provide additional details. The Blood of Lathander greatly simplifies this task.

This also applies to any Vampire Spawns that you release from Cazador’s castle just before confronting him. If you enter the sewers afterwards, you will come across some of them there.

It should be noted, however, that using sunlight from The Blood of Lathander to harm them will probably result in them becoming aggressive towards you. While this may make it easier to identify them, it is typically only necessary if you are actively trying to eliminate them.

To successfully gather information on Cazador’s plans, be sure to keep The Blood of Lathander out of sight when seeking the assistance of Vampire Spawn. They are likely to flee if they are harmed before you have a chance to speak with them.

Finally, it should be noted that The Blood of Lathander serves as the most effective weapon against Cazador. By utilizing Sunlight, you can prevent him from utilizing his powers, making the already challenging battle more manageable. Keep this in mind the next time you face him.

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