The ratings have tripled! “The Stranger” explodes the mother-daughter file, the plot is wonderful and warm

(Source: ENA “The Stranger”)

Will ENA once again create a ratings drama?

A “Very Lawyer Yu Yingxuan”let the audience see ENA’s drama-making ability. A drama was shortlisted for the 59th Baeksang Arts Awards. If the ratings are the audience’s affirmation of the work, then the shortlisted awards are the industry’s recognition Works for sure. After “The Very Lawyer Yu Yingxuan”, it seems that another magical drama is coming, and the ratings have tripled just by watching it.

(Source: Screenshot of NATE)

“The Stranger”, starring Jeon Hye-jin, Choi Soo-young, Park Sung-hoon and Ahn Jae-wook, started broadcasting on July 17, with a ratings of 1.266%. The sixth episode has increased to 3.623%, and each episode is breaking its own record. The plot tells the story of a helpless mother and a free-spirited daughter who live together like “strangers”. It gets rid of the clichés associated with the term “mother and daughter”in Korean dramas in the past. Here, mothers and daughters love and kill each other Explosive relationship, even the loveline is different, and even the mother is more “anthropomorphic”to the handsome guy than the daughter!

The mother “Jin Eunmi”played by Tian Huizhen completely subverted the image of mothers in film and television dramas. The lively, straightforward, unrestrained, impulsive and bottomless that are rarely seen in middle-aged women are vividly displayed in her body. The word ignorant is used to describe She is the perfect fit. However, as a physiotherapist, she is extremely professional and gives her daughter enough care.

(Source: ENA “The Stranger”)

Sooyoung, a member of Girls’ Generation, plays Kim Jin Hee, the daughter of Kim Eun Mi, a policeman who handles work with ease, but is often at a loss when facing her mother. After all, her mother may do crazy things at any time, and she has to come forward to clean up for her. mess. All in all, she is not only a daughter, but also a friend, protector, and even a lover of her mother.

(Source: ENA “The Stranger”)

Park Sung-hoon, the villain who shined in “Dark Glory”, played the policeman “Yin Jae-won”this time. He was demoted to the police station where “Kim Jin-hee”was. Not harmonious. There was also a hilarious scene in the play. When Yin Jae-won was riding downstairs from the house of “Kim Jin-hee”, he was covered by underwear that fell from the sky. This also destined the complicated relationship between the two of them.

(Source: ENA “Stranger”screenshot)
(Source: ENA “The Stranger”)

The ancient Hallyu male god Ahn Jae-wook played the role of ENT specialist “Park Jin-hong”. One day he suddenly appeared next to “Kim Eun-mi”, which made her feel very uneasy. She felt that he would be with “Kim Eun-mi”in the following stories. There is an entanglement.

(Source: ENA “The Stranger”)

The LOVELINE of the mother and daughter began to appear in the fourth episode, but the main plot still revolves around the daily life of the mother and daughter. The mother and daughter grow up together, live together, and look for people who can bring difference to their unrestrained life. It is a bit nonsensical and a bit Warm.

(Source: ENA “The Stranger”)

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