The Reason Behind Izuna Giving His Eyes to Madara in Naruto Explained

The bond between brothers serves as a significant theme throughout the Naruto universe, often driving the storyline. A particularly poignant example is the relationship between Madara Uchiha and his younger brother, Izuna Uchiha. Their narrative transcends mere familial affection, encapsulating sacrifice, power, and an unyielding quest for strength.

The Uchiha clan is feared and revered for their formidable dojutsu, known as the Sharingan. Often termed the “Eye of Insight”and the “Eye of Hypnotism,”this exceptional power bestows upon the Uchiha extraordinary abilities in addition to enhanced visual capabilities.

But why did Izuna decide to give Madara his eyes? Mortally wounded, Izuna made this choice to help Madara restore his vision and enable him to lead the Uchiha clan towards a secure future. This article explores the pivotal moment that shaped the Uchiha clan’s history and the overarching Naruto storyline.

Understanding the Relationship Between Izuna and Madara in Naruto

Madara protecting Izuna in battle (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Madara protecting Izuna in battle (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Madara and Izuna were not merely brothers; they fought side by side during the tumultuous Warring States Period in Naruto, forming a strong camaraderie. Both brothers emerged as powerful warriors after awakening their Mangekyo Sharingan, their relationship marked by profound affection and steadfast loyalty.

Having lost all their other brothers and allies in the heat of battle, their shared goal was to protect their clan and its members. Their strength and support for each other fueled their bond, forged in the aftermath of countless conflicts.

As the older sibling, Madara was fiercely protective of Izuna, prepared to do whatever necessary to ensure his safety. This deep connection was vital to Izuna’s decision to sacrifice his eyes for Madara.

Izuna recognized the heavy burden of leadership that Madara bore and understood that his brother’s strength was essential for the survival and flourishing of the Uchiha clan. Together, they envisioned a world where their clan could thrive in peace, free from the relentless threat of war.

Izuna Uchiha after giving away his eyes as shown in the anime (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Izuna Uchiha after giving away his eyes as shown in the anime (Image via Studio Pierrot)

During a grueling battle against the Senju clan, Tobirama Senju fatally injured Izuna. He harbored distrust towards the Senju clan and cautioned Madara against accepting Hashirama’s “false”truce offers as he neared death. Realizing that his life was fleeting, Izuna made a selfless choice.

He ensured Madara could lead and protect their clan by gifting him his eyes. This act of altruism was not solely about saving Madara’s vision; it was about empowering him to fulfill their shared dream of a peaceful and prosperous Uchiha clan.

The Rewards of Izuna’s Sacrifice: What Madara Gained

Madara possessing the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Madara possessing the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan (Image via Studio Pierrot)

During the Warring States Period, the Uchiha clan faced constant strife with their rivals, the Senju clan. Their Mangekyō Sharingan played a crucial role in ensuring the Uchiha’s advantages in these conflicts. However, the associated risk of blindness posed a significant threat due to the rigorous use of such power.

Upon receiving Izuna’s eyes, Madara unlocked the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. This advanced iteration of the Mangekyo Sharingan not only restored his sight but also granted him enhanced power without the looming curse of blindness.

The Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan is an extraordinary and rare form of the Mangekyō Sharingan, achieved only by transplanting the eyes of a close relative with the same ability. Madara’s transformation was pivotal, allowing him to command the Uchiha clan in their battles for survival without fear of losing his vision.

This powerful ability amplifies the user’s existing capabilities in remarkable ways. Techniques such as Susanoo, Tsukuyomi, and Amaterasu not only become stronger but also more effective. Beyond these enhancements, the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan introduces new abilities that were previously beyond reach.

Madara's awakening of Sharingan in his childhood (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Madara’s awakening of Sharingan in his childhood (Image via Studio Pierrot)

These additional abilities differ among users, reflecting their individual skills and talents. For Madara, the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan bestowed unparalleled strength and mastery over his abilities, solidifying his status as one of the most formidable shinobi in history.

Notably, one of the most prominent abilities acquired was Susanoo, a gargantuan, humanoid avatar that offered both offensive and defensive advantages. Madara’s Susanoo was incredibly powerful, capable of dealing and withstanding substantial damage.

Madara's Susanoo and Hashirama's Wood Release technique (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Madara’s Susanoo and Hashirama’s Wood Release technique (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Moreover, the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan granted Madara access to the devastating black flames of Amaterasu and the powerful genjutsu, Tsukuyomi, which could manipulate the target’s perception of time and space.

Madara’s mastery of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan allowed him to exert control over the Nine-Tails during his confrontations with Hashirama Senju and later in the Fourth Great Shinobi War within the Naruto series.

The moment Madara acquired the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan marked a critical juncture in both the history of the Uchiha clan and the world of shinobi, highlighting the strong relationship between the Uchiha brothers and setting the stage for unforgettable events in Naruto.

Izuna’s sacrifice alongside Madara’s emergence into unparalleled power remains one of the most gripping and emotional narratives in the Naruto series, illustrating the intricate dynamics of love, strength, and fate.


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