The Risk Behind NewJeans’ Unauthorized YouTube Live Stream

On September 11, NewJeans unexpectedly launched a YouTube channel and held a live session featuring all members. During the live broadcast, the girl group voiced their support for Min Hee-jin, the former CEO of their agency, and expressed their concerns about HYBE, describing it as “dishonest and wrong,” while sharing their worries about the future.


The live stream was deleted shortly after it ended, indicating that NewJeans’ decision to broadcast may not have been sanctioned by HYBE.

What prompted the girl group to take such a significant step?

1. Worries about the future

During the live session, Hanni highlighted the blatant disregard HYBE has shown towards the girl group following the conflict with Min Hee-jin, claiming that the agency pressured other artists to overlook NewJeans.

Specifically, Hanni recounted an incident at HYBE’s fourth floor salon where, after greeting a group of artists and their manager, she overheard the manager instructing the others to “Ignore that girl.”

newjeans osaka

Furthermore, when Hanni reported this incident to the new representative at ADOR, her concerns were dismissed and she was accused of lying. This suggests that NewJeans is enduring intense treatment from HYBE, and their previous public support of Min Hee-jin likely exacerbates the situation.

Given these circumstances, it’s probable that NewJeans will continue to face severe mistreatment, making the livestream their attempt to raise awareness about their concerns before potentially being silenced.

2. Reliance on Min Hee-jin

Alongside their concerns, NewJeans emphasized the significance of Min Hee-jin in their lives, indicating a deep reliance on her leadership.

The members are known to have had a personal connection with Min Hee-jin, viewing her as a family member rather than just a professional figure. Her removal from HYBE likely shocked them, leading to fears that they have lost their “protector” within the agency.

min hee jin

Moreover, NewJeans attribute much of their identity and popularity to Min Hee-jin, creating fears that their unique qualities may diminish without her influence. The possibility of other supportive staff members being let go could further justify their anxiety, resulting in the urgent live stream.

3. Timing

NewJeans chose to go live just one day prior to HYBE’s shareholder meeting, likely to communicate their circumstances directly to shareholders and encourage them to apply pressure on the company.

min hee jin moves

Since NewJeans possesses significant commercial influence, their statements may potentially impact HYBE’s stock value, prompting shareholders to address their concerns.

As new artists under HYBE, NewJeans likely understand the necessity of public and shareholder pressure for their demands to be considered, which led them to express their frustrations openly.


In conclusion, while it is unlikely that HYBE will reverse its decision regarding Min Hee-jin’s removal from ADOR, NewJeans’ live stream has highlighted issues such as mistreatment, bringing awareness to fans and the public regarding potential future injustices.

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Should the girl group encounter unfavorable consequences (such as reduced investment, halted comebacks, or social media restrictions), the public and fans will be better equipped to understand their circumstances and take action. Ultimately, NewJeans’ future will also hinge on the outcomes of HYBE’s shareholder meeting on September 12, as any influence they manage to exert could improve their situation moving forward.

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