The Rumor Surrounding SNSD’s Hyoyeon and ‘Discord’ with Sooyoung’s Confirmation

Hyoyeon jokingly brought up instances where she felt “left out”by SNSD, causing some playful teasing among the members. Sooyoung then shared her perspective on the situation.

On the official YouTube channel “Hyo’s Level Up,”the tenth episode of “Hyoyeon Who Buys Us Food Well”was uploaded on Sept. 4th.

During this event, Sooyoung, a member of Girls’ Generation, was invited as a guest and shared several stories about the popular 17-year-old “Nation’s Girl Group.”

During the conversation about drinking, Hyoyeon shared about Sooyoung’s winery visit with YoonA, Yuri, and Tiffany, and mentioned that all of them are known to be heavy drinkers.

Upon remembering this, Hyoyeon admitted that she had desired to go at the time but also accused SNSD of leaving her out.

Nevertheless, Sooyoung clarified:

“She wasn’t in Korea back then.”

Despite constantly being invited by the members, Hyo often forgets due to conflicting schedules. However, upon seeing their photos, she wonders why she wasn’t asked to join them in the first place.

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Nevertheless, the rumor about Hyoyeon’s alleged “discord”came to fruition with Sooyoung’s admission that she purposefully excluded her from YoonA’s birthday celebration.

In a humorous manner, Hyoyeon let out a burst of frustration and voiced her complaints:

“I thought my memory was wrong. Why did you girls hang out without me?!”

Sooyoung, who was satisfied with Hyo’s reaction, went on to explain:

“Because the four of us got together on my birthday. But when trying to gather eight of us, it’s really hard to match the schedules, and just trying to check everyone’s availability takes too much time.

But with four people, it’s much simpler. Since it was YoonA’s birthday and we’d meet again soon, I thought it was fine. And when the four of us ate together, we agreed to meet there again next time before we parted.”

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Playfully, Hyoyeon playfully referenced Seohyun and Taeyeon’s names and playfully questioned why it always had to be the same four members, even though she was the one who was truly curious about it. She playfully added:

“Okay, have fun without us.”

In order to defend Sooyoung:

“When we first gathered, we asked everyone. And the ones who were available met up. Then we said, ‘Let’s meet again next time,’ and that’s how it happened. It wasn’t planned from the start for just the four of us to meet.”

Upon hearing this, Hyoyeon let out a sigh and blurted:

“With so many members, it’s inevitable to split up.”

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