The Seneschal Assembly companion from Diablo 4 finally corrected thanks to the latest patch

Diablo 4 Season 3 patch 1.3.0a fixes an issue with the Seneschal Construct Companion, making your robot ally much more useful in combat.

Diablo 4 patch 1.3.0a fixed an issue with the Season 3 Seneschal Companion, making him much more powerful in combat. Although Blizzard hasn’t directly improved the companion or its moveset. However, they made it easier to upgrade the little robot spider by helping players get their hands on the Control and Harmony Stones.

These stones effectively control the attacks that Diablo 4’s Seneschal Construct Companion can perform and its power. So, by giving players access to more Stones, they can create more powerful builds. They can then transform the Seneschal Companion into a more effective weapon against the forces of Hell. Additionally, it will improve the buffs it can give to the player, also improving their power.

Seneschal Construct Companion in Diablo 4 Season 3
Blizzard Entertainment

Diablo 4 Season 3 Seneschal Construct Companion

The Seneschal Construct from Diablo 4 Season 3 will now be a much more effective companion.

The Stones of Control and Harmony can now be unlocked by completing events in the Tree of Whispers, a key component of Season 3. This means that most players will see many more Stones than before the last patch. Max-level Stones now grant 150-200 Fragmented Stones, making crafting much easier and less tedious.

The enemy Son of Malphas drops various Control and Harmony Stones after his defeat. Additionally, Seneschal Stone Chests will now contain at least two. Blizzard has also removed the various costs associated with crafting both types of Stones. So, each will cost 200 Fragmented Stones and 20 Iron Blocks, and this will not increase as the player progresses. However, the XP needed will still be needed, but less than before.

Although patch 1.3.0a brought a variety of changes to Diablo 4 Season 3, fixing bugs and balance issues, we think this is by far the most notable and useful. After all, the main attraction of Season 3 is the Seneschal Construct Companion, and now that it’s fixed, the season can hopefully get back on track.

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