The Shinju ranked: Who is the most powerful Boruto Two Blue Vortex villain?

The Shinju, also known as the God Tree Incarnates, serve as the main antagonists in Boruto Two Blue Vortex. We have ranked all five of them from least to most powerful.

Boruto Two Blue Vortex takes place three years following the events of Part 1. Following the demise of Isshiki Otsutsuki, Code inherited control of the Ten-Tails (God Tree). In order to fully harness its abilities, he utilized the tree’s powers by creating four Shinju, each from a different shinobi.

Despite being created from the consumption of various individuals by Code’s Claw Grimes, the Shinju possess unique personalities and motivations. Furthermore, they proved to be more powerful than their creator.

Currently, Boruto Two Blue Vortex has four Shinju. However, Chapter 13 hints at the addition of a fifth member, whose origin remains a mystery. As they will have a significant impact on the future of the story, we have included the yet-to-be-born Shinju in our ranking.

Unborn Shinju

Matsuri with new Soul Thorn in Boruto Two Blue Vortex

During Chapter 13, Jura and Mamushi take refuge in their secret location to revive Hidari using the Soul Thorn. However, they soon discover another item present: a newly planted seed being tended to by Matsuri. As the chapter comes to a close, the seed is on the verge of hatching, giving way to the birth of the fifth Shinju.

So far, the identity of the character consumed to create the new incarnate remains unknown. Some speculate that it will be a recognizable character such as Guy or Kakashi. However, the most likely scenario is that Shinki, who is seen in Kashin Koji’s foresight as a Shinju, is the one responsible for its creation.

4. Venomous Snake – Mamushi

Mamushi in Boruto Two Blue Vortex

Mamushi, created from Kara’s Bug, is potentially the weakest Shinju at present. Due to limited fighting experience for both himself and Matsuri, it is hard to determine for certain. However, considering his non-shinobi origin, it can be assumed that he is not as strong as his fellow Shinju.

Despite this, Mamushi remains a formidable opponent. In Chapter 4, he engages in a short but intense fight with Boruto, showcasing his impressive power and agility. Additionally, he possesses the unique ability to transform his arm into a giant, man-eating plant. Furthermore, in Chapter 5, he displays his proficiency as a sensor by detecting Eida’s spying with her Senringan.

3. Matsuri

Matsuri in Boruto Two Blue Vortex

Matsuri is the sole female member of the group, and she is formed from Konoha’s Meogi, who is a close friend of Konohamaru and also serves as Team 10’s instructor. While she possesses comparable strength to Mamushi, one advantage she holds is her origin as a ninja, which grants her access to powerful ninjutsu techniques.

Furthermore, in addition to her known abilities, Matsuri possesses another skill that is alluded to in Chapter 13: the ability to gather Soul Thorns and use them to form new Shinju. This suggests that the team may no longer require Code to expand their ranks, making her an invaluable member of the team.

2. Hidari

Hidari in Boruto Two Blue Vortex

In a surprising turn of events, Chapter 4 exposes the fact that Sasuke fell victim to Code’s Claw Grime and was transformed into a tree. From this transformation, Hidari emerged. He now holds the title of the second most powerful Shinju, which is not surprising considering he was born from one of the greatest shinobi in history.

Hidari is proficient in using several of Sasuke’s techniques that do not rely on the Sharingan. He has mastered the use of Chidori and Lightning Release. Additionally, Hidari is also skilled in utilizing the Uchiha Clan’s Fire Release and Wood Release.

Despite Sarada’s valiant effort, Hidari proves to be too powerful for her and she is ultimately defeated. Konohamaru is also no match for Hidari’s strength and loses instantly. However, Boruto’s Uzuhiko technique allows him to successfully defeat the Shinju.

1. Jura


Jura holds the role of apparent leader among the Shinju, as well as being the undisputed strongest member. Despite being part of the group of four (soon to be five), he remains the most enigmatic as his origins are unknown. All that is certain is that he must have been crafted by an exceptionally powerful individual, as even Hidari, a formidable force, does not match his strength.

Up until now, he has demonstrated the greatest skill among his peers. He possesses the ability to detect individual chakra within others, and notably, he was able to sense that Himawari harbored Kurama before she herself became aware of it. Additionally, he possesses remarkable speed and strength and is skilled in Wood Release.

Jura possesses the unique ability to generate miniature-tailed beast bombs through his eye, a feat that no other member of the Shinju clan has displayed. He also possesses great strength, as evidenced by his defeat of Himawari in her Bijuu form and his ability to discreetly rescue her without engaging in a physical confrontation with Boruto.

In Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 13, Kashin Koji’s vision prominently features the Shinju, indicating that they will most likely play a significant role as antagonists throughout the entire story. The vision also reveals Jura as the leader of the Shinju, solidifying his position as the strongest God Tree Incarnate.

To learn more about these ninjas, discover if Inojin meets his demise in the manga and what transpired with Naruto during the time skip. Additionally, you can uncover whether Shikamaru has taken on the role of Hokage.

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