The True World of One Piece: Secrets Yet to be Revealed by Oda

The True World of One Piece: Secrets Yet to be Revealed by Oda

The captivating world of One Piece has enthralled fans far and wide with its unique landscapes, charismatic characters, and the pursuit of the elusive One Piece treasure. Despite the epic journeys of Luffy and his crew, it is feasible that their adventures only scratch the surface of a much grander world.

A Reddit user known as @Unable_Bonus4168 posited an intriguing theory, implying that the One Piece world could be significantly larger than what is currently shown. This theory indicates that there may be hidden realms beyond the famed Red Line and the Grand Line, which could act as obstacles to a more profound truth.

In future chapters, Eiichiro Oda may ultimately unveil a more expansive universe. Let’s delve deeper into how this theory corresponds with the series and what clues might indicate the presence of a concealed world.

Note: This article contains One Piece spoilers and reflects the author’s perspective.

The Function of the Red Line in One Piece

The Red Line in the anime series (Image via Toei Animation)
The Red Line depicted in the anime series (Image via Toei Animation)

The Red Line serves as a towering mountain chain that bifurcates the One Piece universe, segmenting the four blue seas: East, West, North, and South Blue. It also functions as a dividing line between the initial segment of the Grand Line and the New World.

This theory suggests the possibility that the Red Line is not a geological anomaly but rather a man-made barrier designed to restrict humanity to a limited portion of a broader world.

Fishman Island (Image via Toei Animation)
Fishman Island as shown in the series (Image via Toei Animation)

Locations like Reverse Mountain and Fishman Island hint at the dangerous and limited access points through the Red Line. The perilous currents of Reverse Mountain appear to serve as a purposeful deterrent, while Fishman Island, situated deep beneath the ocean’s surface, represents one of the few known entry routes into the New World.

These treacherous pathways may be intentional obstacles crafted to dissuade exploration beyond recognized waters. Therefore, the Red Line could be hindering the Straw Hats from uncovering a vastly larger reality, potentially containing undiscovered continents or civilizations.

The Enigma of the Grand Line and Calm Belt

The Sea Kings in the anime series (Image via Toei Animation)
The Sea Kings depicted in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

The Grand Line is notorious for its unpredictable climate, treacherous waters, and magnetic anomalies, making navigation a formidable challenge without specialized devices like the Log Pose.

The adjoining Calm Belt, characterized by its placid surface and inhabited by Sea Kings, further isolates the Grand Line from the wider world. Considering these elements, one could infer that such barriers might have been put in place to prevent exploration into uncharted territories.

Map of part of the One Piece world (Image via Toei Animation)
A section of the One Piece world map (Image via Toei Animation)

This concept implies that the Grand Line and Calm Belt might be artificially shaped regions, deliberately designed to curtail the discovery of a concealed world. The intricate phenomena of navigating the Grand Line could very well be a constructed hurdle to deter adventurers from probing the outer realms or uncovering what lies beyond the known sea.

Laugh Tale, the mythical last island on the Grand Line, might not only harbor the One Piece but could also unlock the gateway to this more expansive reality. Gol D. Roger’s iconic laughter might reflect his awareness of the constrained nature of the known world and the irony behind his treasure quest.

The World Government and Its Influence on Concealing the True Nature of One Piece

Saint Imu (Image via Toei Animation)
Saint Imu depicted in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

A crucial component of this theory is the notion that the World Government is cognizant of a much broader world but has systematically obscured this information to keep control. The enigmatic Void Century, the elusive history chronicled on the Poneglyphs, and the diligent efforts by the World Government to dominate the narrative indicate that numerous vital details remain undisclosed to the masses.

The Void Century could have been a pivotal time in which the world underwent significant fragmentation, leading to the erection of present-day barriers like the Red Line to segment the seas and segregate regions from one another. The Poneglyphs, which preserve the true past, may hold critical insights into the formation of these divisions and the extensive world they obscure.

Nico Robin in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Nico Robin portrayed in the series (Image via Toei Animation)

Nico Robin’s mission to decode these ancient writings ties seamlessly into this theory. She might not only unveil the history of the Void Century but also demonstrate that the existing world constitutes a kind of artificial confinement.

The Celestial Dragons and the enigmatic figure of Imu may act as the true custodians of this hidden truth. Residing in Mariejois, perched atop the Red Line, the Celestial Dragons epitomize both a literal and symbolic elevation above the rest of humanity.

Silhouette of Saint Imu (Image via Toei Animation)
Silhouette of Saint Imu in the series (Image via Toei Animation)

Imu appears to exercise true authority over the World Government, ensuring that the concealed world beyond the Red Line and Grand Line remains hidden. Their dominion over resources and information further supports the theory that the world is intentionally kept restricted and controlled.

Understanding the Ancient Weapons in the One Piece Universe

Shirahoshi in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Shirahoshi depicted in the series (Image via Toei Animation)

Within the context of One Piece, the Ancient Weapons—Pluton, Poseidon, and Uranus—are reputed to possess the capability to obliterate entire nations. However, the theory recommends an alternative interpretation that these weapons might serve a different purpose altogether. Rather than instruments of devastation, they might act as the means to dismantle the barriers that restrict the world and uncover the hidden domains.

Poseidon, in the incarnation of Shirahoshi, has the power to command the Sea Kings, beings that inhabit the Calm Belt. Her abilities could prove vital in razing the restrictive nature of the Grand Line and liberating the seas from their imposed constraints.

Franky destroyed the blueprints of Pluton (Image via Toei Animation)
Franky burning the blueprints of Pluton (Image via Toei Animation)

Pluton, known for its tremendous power, and Uranus, whose abilities remain a mystery, could potentially be capable of demolishing the Red Line. The trepidation the World Government exhibits might stem not only from the power of these Ancient Weapons but also from a deeper understanding of the genuine nature of their world.

Joy Boy, a significant entity from the Void Century, made a promise that remains enigmatic. It’s plausible that Joy Boy’s vow was intertwined with a vision for establishing freedom from the oppressive structures of the World Government.

Monkey D. Luffy in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Monkey D. Luffy illustrated in the series (Image via Toei Animation)

Luffy’s ambition of becoming the Pirate King could symbolize a continuation of Joy Boy’s legacy. His quest for the One Piece may not solely focus on claiming the title of the greatest pirate but could also involve carrying forward Joy Boy’s mission to dismantle the boundaries restricting humanity’s freedom.

Concluding Remarks

Gol D. Roger in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Gol D. Roger as depicted in the series (Image via Toei Animation)

The theory of a concealed world within One Piece presents a fascinating reinterpretation of the series’ fundamental themes of freedom, adventure, and resistance against oppression. It posits that the Grand Line and Red Line are not merely landscape features but rather constructed obstructions created to limit human exploration and liberty.

The World Government’s involvement in obscuring history, the existence of the Ancient Weapons, and the enigma surrounding Gol D. Roger’s laughter all fit into this paradigm of a constrained reality, suggesting that the true One Piece could be the key to revealing a much broader world.

Although the theory currently lacks solid evidence, it aligns with many of the overarching themes portrayed in the series and could offer a dramatic twist as the story reaches its climax.

  • Imu may emerge as Luffy’s ultimate rival in One Piece, and the reasons for this connection are clear.


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