The Ultimate Valorant Beginner’s Guide: Everything You Need to Know

Whether you are a new console player entering Valorant for the first time after the beta release, or simply need a refresher, our guide will cover all the necessary details.

In Valorant, two teams of five take turns attacking and defending in a character-based tactical shooter game. The objective is for one team to secure 13 rounds in order to win. Attackers can win by either eliminating the enemy team or detonating the Spike, while defenders must prevent the opposition from detonating the Spike in order to win.

As an Attacker, your primary objective is to plant The Spike at designated Reactor Sites on maps. You and your team must coordinate strategies to successfully plant or defuse it. Each round has a time limit of 1 minute and 40 seconds, making it a challenging task. Now, let’s delve into the details.

Choosing the Right Agent for You

Valorant Beginners Guide Agent Roles
Riot Games, dexerto

Valorant’s Agents are divided into four distinct categories, each serving a specific role. If you enjoy an aggressive playstyle, the Duelist is the perfect fit for you. However, if a more cautious approach is your preference, the Sentinel offers all the necessary tools.

Each category contains various Agents, each possessing its own distinct set of abilities. It is recommended that you try out all of them gradually, but if you are just beginning, follow the steps outlined below:

Choose the category that best fits your preferred playstyle.

  • Duelists — They are the first to enter the line of fire. Duelists serve as the main attackers for your team in almost every situation.
  • Assistants — Is there a request for assistance? Assistants are ready to assist in disrupting the battlefield and breaking through enemy lines.
  • Controllers are essential for executing plans and shaping the battlefield in both Attack and Defense.
  • Sentinels — The protectors of the pack. Sentinels will hold back and prioritize survival to strengthen their team’s chances of victory in the final round.

Step 2: Locate an Agent and familiarize yourself with their abilities using our Agent tier list. You will have access to two core abilities that must be repurchased after each use, a Signature Ability that will recharge after each round, and an Ultimate Ability that can be earned during gameplay.

3. Familiarize yourself with your Agent’s abilities to counter your opponent’s actions. For instance, if Cypher has placed a Trapwire, you can utilize Omen’s Shrouded Step to bypass it without being detected.

Use your credits: Weapons, Shields & Abilities

Valorant's buy menu.
Riot Games

There are 17 weapons to choose from and your choice should be situational.

Weapons & Shields

In Valorant, there are a total of 18 weapons divided into their respective categories. You will always begin with a Classic, the default Sidearm, but it is advisable to upgrade whenever possible.

It is advisable to upgrade your weapons when your team has enough funds. Your choice of weapon may vary depending on your personal preferences and amount of Creds available. It is recommended to try out each weapon in the Shooting Range to determine which one suits you the most. Our weapon damage statistics overview will be helpful in making a decision.

Now, what about Shields? By default, you will start with 100 Health Points (HP). Light Shields (400 Creds) will increase your HP to 125, while Heavy Shields will boost it to 150 HP. Prioritizing Shields over a weapon upgrade is crucial, so make sure to invest in Heavy Shields whenever you have the funds to do so!


The abilities are what sets your Agent apart. They are a unique collection of utilities that are specifically designed to assist you in fulfilling your role to the best of your ability. As such, it is important to replenish them as frequently as possible.

Ensure that you re-purchase your two primary abilities after utilizing them, as the cost will differ depending on the Agent you are playing as. These abilities can greatly aid in attacking a Reactor Site, so it is important to always have them available.

Your Signature Ability is your character’s unique way of making an impact on the battlefield, so be sure to utilize it to its full potential. By collecting orbs, you can earn Ultimate points which will grant you access to the top-tier ability of the Agent you have selected.

Once you have obtained your Ultimate, it is important to exercise caution and make wise decisions. Proper use of your Ultimate can even lead to winning a round in the most challenging situations. For instance, if you are playing as Sage, it would not be prudent to revive a teammate if your team is close to winning the round.

How do maps work in Valorant?

Valorant's four maps at launch.
Blitz / dexerto

Each map adopts the same principles, but each has its own unique spin.

At this point, you are making great progress towards becoming a master of Valorant’s characters and utilizing the tools available to you. Each map in Valorant, including the newly introduced Abyss, follows a lane-based system. Although they may appear distinct, they generally adhere to the same overall structure.

Familiarize yourself with the map overviews and callouts prior to starting a match. This will help you easily communicate with your team about the locations of opponents.

  1. Get to grips with each map and the callouts before you hop into a game.
  2. It is important to familiarize yourself with the routes leading to and from Reactor Sites in order to effectively strategize as an Attacker and Defender. Knowing where to push and where to hold will greatly enhance your gameplay.
  3. Master your angles! Be sure to thoroughly check every corner where you predict an enemy may push or hold on a map. This will give you a significant advantage and make it simpler to secure kills.
  4. Adjust your tactics accordingly as the round progresses. Some maps have a dynamic feature where you can teleport between areas quickly, so take advantage of this if you need to quickly change your approach.

Game on!

Valorant player on Reactor Site A on Bind.
Riot Games

With a 128-tick server, low ping, and high-fidelity gameplay – what’s not to love?

No matter if you’re interested in playing a quick round of Spike Rush or striving to improve your skills in Valorant’s competitive playlist, it’s crucial to be a supportive teammate.

Riot Games has clarified their stance on addressing toxicity in Valorant. Therefore, those who disrupt matches for others may face consequences, which is not favorable for individuals hoping to continue playing the game.

To conclude, here is some food for thought:

  • It is important to avoid moving while shooting in Valorant, as movement can greatly affect accuracy.
  • Hone your skills (maybe try out some creative combinations).
  • Games are meant to be enjoyable, so go ahead and have fun!

If you’re new to playing Valorant on consoles, be sure to check out our recommended controller settings for a smoother experience. And for precise aiming like the pros, be sure to also look into the top Valorant crosshair codes used in 2024.

Are you in need of a Valorant dot crosshair guide? Look no further than our top picks for the best dot crosshairs in Valorant.

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