The Underrated Tactic of Duplicating Mercy as Echo in Overwatch 2 Streamer’s Gameplay

Echo’s Duplicate ultimate is considered to be one of the strongest abilities in Overwatch 2, and surprisingly, Mercy is an excellent option for transformation.

Echo’s Duplicate ultimate in Overwatch stands out as one of the most distinctive. This ability grants her the power to morph into any enemy hero and also accelerates her ultimate charge rate, resulting in exhilarating moments.

Echo players often prefer to Duplicate Tank and DPS heroes when activating her ultimate, as they typically have a greater ability to secure kills. However, there are exceptions to this rule.

For example, Ana can be highly useful by preventing healing with her Biotic Grenade, and her ability to put targets to sleep makes her a top choice for duplication among support heroes.

It may come as a surprise, but Mercy can prove to be highly effective even in a losing scenario, as demonstrated by KoalityTV, a Twitch streamer, during a hold on Midtown.

During the defense, the team lost their Doomfist tank and seemed prepared to give up the first point. However, KoalityTV was able to turn things around by choosing to Duplicate Mercy.

While the teams exchanged kills, the streamer switched to the support role and successfully eliminated the enemy team’s angel. They then utilized Mercy’s Resurrect ability to revive Doomfist.

Despite the return of Doomfist, Koality, Zenyatta, and the tank were able to successfully defeat the remaining enemy forces and secure control of Point A.

As Echo, it may be tempting to solely focus on selecting and utilizing an enemy DPS or tank, but it is important not to overlook the advantages of choosing Mercy. Being able to revive a teammate can greatly benefit the team and should not be underestimated.

The video is a reminder that numerous tank players have been impacted by an amplified DPS passive that significantly reduces their healing. This is an important consideration when utilizing your Duplicate ultimate.

The effectiveness of Mercy in a chaotic team battle should not be underestimated for now, but things may change with the upcoming patch on May 14 that is set to provide tanks with numerous buffs.

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