These Disturbing Shows on Netflix Make Baby Reindeer Seem Boring

Despite its notoriety, Netflix viewers claim that Baby Reindeer is not the most unsettling program available on the streaming platform, not even close.

The purportedly factual story of a comedian facing challenges and his fixated pursuer sent shockwaves through the streaming service upon its debut this year. It rapidly gained a significant viewership on the platform, establishing a reputation as the most sensational series available.

Undoubtedly, the show Baby Reindeer has gained a reputation for being profoundly disturbing due to its depiction of stalking and sexual assault. Unfortunately, its disturbing themes have transcended fiction and caused real-world consequences, as Netflix is currently embroiled in a legal dispute with the supposed “real-life”Martha.

Despite everything mentioned, Baby Reindeer is only scratching the surface of the disturbing content available on Netflix, according to its subscribers. In a Reddit discussion about the most unsettling shows on the platform, some users even claimed that Baby Reindeer is considered rather uninteresting in comparison.

“One comment stated, “I don’t understand. It was rather uninteresting. I couldn’t continue watching after just two episodes.”

According to one user, the true crime documentary “Don’t F**k With Cats”is much more disturbing.

“Another individual also expressed their agreement, stating that this was the only crime documentary they were unsure they could finish. They had to take a break during the second “incident”and upon hearing the sound of meowing, they were unable to continue.”

“According to another person, if [Baby Reindeer] was too much for you, then Don’t F**k With Cats will also be too overwhelming.”

Some individuals offered alternative recommendations, such as the Ryan Murphy series Dahmer. As one user commented, “Dahmer was incredibly disturbing. Although I am a fan of Evan Peters, it is a show I could only watch once.”

“One reviewer expressed, “The play Baby Reindeer has a lighthearted and comical tone, while still delivering a powerful story. In contrast, The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez left a lasting impact on me, being one of the most unsettling and gripping true crime series I have watched as a self-proclaimed enthusiast of the genre.”

“According to another viewer, the documentary “I Am a Stalker”is significantly more unsettling than “Baby Reindeer”.”

To explore a wider range of touch watches, check out our breakdown of the most captivating serial killer documentaries. You can also take a look at the most highly anticipated horror movies releasing in 2024. Additionally, we have curated a list of the top movies and shows to watch after viewing Baby Reindeer.

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