This creepy Stellar Blade Eve character model detail is terrifying players

Upon examining Eve’s character model, the Stellar Blade community has stumbled upon a disturbing detail that has caught many players by surprise.

The main focus of attention in Stellar Blade’s storyline is its protagonist, Eve. Her character is based on the well-known South Korean model, Shin Jae-eun, which has caught the attention of the gaming community. Director Hyung-Tae Kim, who oversaw the creation of the game, made a notable remark that his team paid extra attention to Eve’s backside.

The amount of time and effort put into creating Eve is evident, as shown by the extensive selection of cosmetics available. Stellar Blade alone offers more than 30 outfits for players to unlock and personalize Eve with.

The ability to alter Eve’s design is incredibly valuable, especially since there are multiple possible endings. Yet, a few players have uncovered a disturbing aspect of Eve’s character model that is both unsettling and clever.

A player shared a clip on the official Stellar Blade Reddit page, showcasing Eve in the Sisters’ Junk section of Xion. The player had set the game to run with Eve facing a wall, and at some point, she turned to look directly at the camera.

If you stare too long, Eve stares back. byu/pablo_honey1 instellarblade

As the player gradually shifted the camera, they observed with surprise that Eve continued to track their movements. This clip, along with others depicting similar occurrences within Stellar Blade, has been circulating since its posting.

“One player joked, “If you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes back at you.”Another commenter shared, “Dude, I was just taking a break to eat and suddenly she turned to me. It scared the crap out of me.”

Just like in Nier Automata, Shift Up also incorporated a similar gimmick in their game. This time, 2B breaks the fourth wall by abruptly swatting the camera away when players focus on a specific area of her model. It’s evident that Shift Up aimed to create a similar experience, but with a heightened shock factor.

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