This discreet detail of Helldivers 2’s weapon magazines delights players

Helldivers 2 is full of little details when it comes to game design. However, players have recently discovered an item related to weapon magazines that is easy to miss.

The launch of Helldivers 2 was met with great enthusiasm and positive feedback from the gaming community. Fans of the first opus were particularly eager to dive into this sequel, and they were not disappointed.

Players praised the significantly improved graphics, increased strategic depth, and engaging cooperative gameplay that stays true to the original spirit while introducing new mechanics and challenges.

But recently, after hours and hours of play time, players have noticed that when you use a magazine and throw it away, you can see how many bullets are gone and how many were wasted. This can be seen just by looking at the charger thrown on the ground.

The discussion was started by a Reddit user who posted a screenshot of three discarded magazines where the number of bullets used is clearly visible. Other players joined the conversation, fascinated by this discovery.

The mag shows how many bullets were wasted. byu/lostsublimity inHelldivers

One user commented: “A constant reminder of all the democracy you wasted.” Another user said: “This is super cool. I’m a fan of this type of detail,”while another added: “That’s cool, I never noticed that, but again, I can’t say I had the time to stop and look.”

We can assume that the majority of players appreciated this detail given this positive reception. However, they also agreed that it is something that is difficult to notice, especially in combat.

This kind of detail, however, shows the amount of effort the developers put into making this game a success.

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