The Pokémon Go community was deeply impressed by a themed Gym roster, featuring five shiny and a rare sixth member.
Since Pokémon Go launched in July 2016, Gyms have been an essential part of its gameplay. Their main function is to allow players to collect PokéCoins which can then be used to purchase additional storage space, Raid Tickets and even more.
The most efficient way to use Gyms is to follow proper etiquette and only remove opposing Pokémon after eight hours. This maximizes PokéCoin gains for all participants while saving trainers the hassle of healing their Pokémon.
However, many players don’t use Gyms solely for collecting PokéCoins and instead see them as an opportunity to show off.
Yellow-Themed Gym Roster Impresses Pokémon Go Fans
A Pokémon Go player created an impressive Gym roster with others, despite it not being planned and even though they didn’t know the other trainers involved.
Our themed gym lineup is an aesthetic, it’s making me unreasonably happy byu/ashV2 inpokemongo
The shared post, which received over 1,900 upvotes, read: “Our Arena themed alignment is aesthetically pleasing, it makes me unreasonably happy,”with a caption of the yellow themed alignment attached in an Arena from Team Instinct.
This impressive lineup includes a shiny Grodrive, a shiny Excelangue, a shiny Charmander, a shiny Azumarill, a shiny Tenefix and a regular but still rare Gromago. The Coin Entity Pokémon is currently shiny-blocked and can only be acquired through specific methods.
Other players were impressed by the roster, describing it as “one of the best Themed Arenas I’ve ever seen”, and insisting that “It’s amazing, I would never attack it.”.
Another trainer commented, “Everyone got the memo,”which is when the OP revealed that he didn’t even know the other trainers, having “never talked to them online or in person ” , making this highly coordinated alignment even more impressive.
These Gym lineups don’t always work, with another trainer’s party of Evolutions ruined by a stray Fire-type Pokémon.
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