This Pokemon Go team is still the least popular and we have a meme to blame

Despite being the least popular Pokemon Go team, players often regret their decision to join as soon as they begin the game. This can be attributed to a 2016 meme which is often blamed for the team’s perceived shortcomings.

In Pokemon Go, there are three teams, but it may seem like there are only two, Mystic and Valor. This is because Team Instinct, with their yellow branding, is the least popular and least seen on Gyms during gameplay. This has been the case since the game’s release in 2016.

Despite the game’s initial unpopularity, Team Instinct’s reputation quickly became a meme due to their leader, Spark, being portrayed as absent-minded. As a result, Mystic and Valor consistently vied for the top spot while Instinct struggled to gain recognition in the background.

Despite its unpopularity, the meme regarding Team Instinct has certainly persisted, as evidenced by the regular posts on the Pokemon Go Reddit where players question the team’s lack of popularity.

Some people naturally enjoy rooting for the underdog, while others were previously unaware of the meme and are now struggling to reach the maximum level due to the team’s lack of popularity.

Fortunately, you have the option to switch to the more popular teams, Valor or Mystic, for a cost of 1,000 Pokecoins. However, if more players choose to join the “underdog”team, it is possible that Team Instinct will experience a resurgence and climb to the top of the leaderboards.

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