On May 5th, the thumbnail for the Jang Wonyoung episode of Psick Univ’s “Psick Show” was released and received criticism on various online communities.
Netizens were quick to point out that the thumbnail for the Jang Wonyoung episode was intentionally positioned to make it appear as if the show’s name, “Psick,”was actually an “F.”This sparked criticism from netizens.

In contrast to the thumbnails of other celebrities, which prominently display “PSICK”next to the guests’ faces, Jang Wonyoung’s face is positioned next to a partially obscured “P”, giving the appearance of “F”, with the “SI”covered. According to netizens, this could potentially be mistaken for “FUCK”upon a quick glance.
Moreover, it was observed by some individuals that the term “Show”written in red below is partially obstructed, giving the impression of “she”.

Two foreigners shared their thoughts on the thumbnail of the video. One expressed, “I am appalled by how the thumbnail appears to have the word ‘fuck’ behind her head. It’s truly repulsive.”The other commented, “I find this episode enjoyable, but the text on the thumbnail makes me feel somewhat uneasy.”
Netizens responded with criticism, stating, “It is clear that this was done intentionally,””This is unacceptable,””What was the intention behind targeting a young girl?””In comparison to other thumbnails, the manipulation is too apparent,”and “Starship should take legal action.”
Psick University has yet to make a statement regarding this controversy.
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