TikToker Rhegan Coursey Responds to Viral Claims of Malnourishing Pet Cat

TikTok star Rhegan Coursey is standing up for herself against allegations made by fellow influencers that she neglected and ultimately caused the death of her pet cat, Sevyn, by malnourishment.

In 2023, while appearing on Larray’s podcast ‘Put a Sock in It’, beauty influencer Antonio Garza recounted a story about another creator who they alleged had “killed their cat.”

“She was ignored and we had to remove the item from her house,”Garza revealed. “No one has ever heard that story before.”

The topic begins at 53:19.

In June 2024, a year after its release, the podcast gained viral attention, causing many netizens to speculate that the TikToker mentioned by Garza could be Rhegan Coursey.

Coursey has recently addressed the speculations through a series of videos on TikTok, in which she refuted claims of malnourishment towards her black cat named ‘Sevyn’.

In Coursey’s initial video discussing the topic, she stated that Sevyn had left the ‘Go House’ content house due to a room change. Being located in the Hollywood Hills, where there is an abundance of wildlife and plants, Coursey presumed that Sevyn’s pet had gone missing indefinitely.

“It’s important to remember, I share a living space with ten individuals,”she mentioned. “If I were to harm my cat, they would all be aware and likely not want to associate with me anymore. Such an accusation carries significant weight.”


What actually happened

♬ original sound – rheg (°◡°♡) ☆*:+

After watching Coursey’s video, someone anonymously shared images and screenshots of text messages on Reddit, claiming to show Rhegan’s deceased cat. The individual alleged that the influencer’s roommate had rescued the cat.

“In the texts, one person expressed that she passed away feeling loved and not alone. They also mentioned that if they had gotten to her a week earlier, things may have been different, but they believe she may have been dealing with a more serious issue.”

In a separate statement, the roommate asserted that Rhegan was unaware that they had taken the cat and mentioned that they purposely left the back door open to make it appear as though the cat had escaped. The roommate also expressed concern for the cat’s health and appearance, noting that it was struggling to walk and had severely matted fur, indicating possible neglect and illness.

According to the writer, the veterinarian stated that she was severely undernourished and emaciated, and had not been receiving proper nutrition.

Reddit: couchsofa7

On June 16, Coursey released another video discussing the situation. She stated that her cat was sick during the time it was allegedly taken, but not as severely as depicted in the videos and photos. She also argued that the cat in the photos was not her cat, Sevyn.

“I assure you, I did not neglect or mistreat Sevyn. Despite some people’s disapproval of having a cat in the house, I always made sure to take good care of her because she was important to me.”

At the end of the day, Sevyn was ill, but it was not due to me failing to provide proper nourishment. She was not nearly as sick as portrayed in the videos and pictures online.

After that, she posted yet another video providing “proof”that Sevyn was not the cat featured in the Reddit photos. She shared a Snapchat of her ex-boyfriend holding the animal and saying, “You need to stop getting sick, buddy,”as well as numerous other photos and videos of herself lovingly cuddling and caring for her pet.

Rhegan stated that Sevyn had a common cold and had even reached out to the cat’s adoption agency for advice. The agency reassured her that the cat’s symptoms were likely due to a minor cold and did not require a visit to the vet.


evidence to my last post

♬ original sound – rheg (°◡°♡) ☆*:+

Additional influencers have also addressed the controversy, such as Antonio Garza, who expressed regret for spreading speculation on a podcast. However, she continues to stand by her belief that she did not fabricate the situation.

She insisted, “I did not fabricate this and I am certain that I was not being deceitful. It is highly unusual for cats to pass away at such a young age, unless there is an underlying issue. Normally, signs of illness in cats are noticeable well before it reaches a critical stage, and they should be promptly taken to a veterinarian.”

“I believe that if that had occurred, the cat would still be alive today. However, that was not the case. In my view, it is a distasteful situation.”

@swaghoe666 ♬ original sound – antonio garza

One of Rhegan’s roommates in the Go House, known as ‘Kauschdaddy,’ shared a video in which he explained his version of events. He mentioned that the cat did not appear to be in good condition while it was missing.

Additionally, he asserted that he was the individual responsible for taking Sevyn from the content house.

He explained, “Knowing that the cat had previously been ill and not received any medical attention, I felt compelled to act. I believed that the only way to rescue it was to personally bring it to the vet.”


The truth about the cat situation

♬ original sound – Kauschdaddy

Kausch clarified that he chose not to make the information public as he believed it was a matter that should remain online. He also expressed his distress at having to witness the cat’s death and stated his desire to move on and put the incident behind him.

Rhegan edited Kauch’s video by including additional photographs of Sevyn from the previous night, in an attempt to dispute his claim that the cat appeared malnourished. She also pointed out that Sevyn seemed to have recovered from her cold.

Rhegan further disclosed that she had been consulting with a lawyer about the matter and expressed anger towards Kausch, Garza, and Hayley Sharpe, who had previously made and removed a video accusing Rhegan of neglecting Sevyn’s nutrition.

“As she struggled to hold back tears, she shared, “I am experiencing every negative emotion at this moment, just like all of you. I am learning, just as you are, about all of the things concerning my cat. And it’s not just that; I also feel betrayed because I was deceived into thinking she was missing.”

@rhegancoursey #stitch with @Kauschdaddy ♬ original sound – rheg (°◡°♡) ☆*:+

The opinions of commenters are highly polarized regarding the situation, with some supporting Rhegan’s perspective while others remain skeptical of the influencer’s claims.

One individual wrote, “I trust her more than the housemates because if this was true, it wouldn’t have taken years for it to come out.”

“It doesn’t make sense that people are quick to believe other photos and stories, yet when Rhegan presents PROOF, it is dismissed as invalid,”another person pointed out.

“Initially, I trusted her account, but upon viewing the pictures on Reddit, it became clear to me that she was not telling the truth,”another person contested.

The other person begged, “The photos and videos are devastating. Please never consider getting another animal. It’s evident that you struggle to take care of yourself.”

Despite the ongoing situation, it remains uncertain whether any legal actions will be taken due to the recent information disclosed by Kausch.

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