The journey to reach Lv. 50 in Pokemon Go is a difficult one. In addition to obtaining large amounts of XP, there are also challenging level requirements to consider. Even after reaching Lv. 40, some of these obstacles may cause sleepless nights.
Recently, there has been a lot of talk surrounding a specific level’s challenges in Pokemon, with players expressing their frustration in a Reddit post titled, “Why do they do this to us. The Go Battle League is incredibly boring. What’s the best pokes to beat the levels?”
Next to the comment is a visual displaying the Lv. 44 criteria, which challenges Trainers to achieve 30 victories in the Great League, Ultra League, and Master League – a challenging feat for players of all skill levels.
Why do they do this to us 😩 the Go Battle League is incredibly boring. What’s the best pokes to beat the levels? byu/Darcys_Tears inpokemongo
Despite the fact that the most straightforward approach is to battle through these matches, other trainers joined the discussion to provide some practical recommendations. While using strong Pokemon such as Mewtwo or Necrozma can be beneficial, there are also alternative methods that can make this level challenge less daunting.
A commonly suggested solution involves using a partner’s account to repeatedly battle with low-level Pokemon in the GBL. While this may go against the intended purpose of the challenge, it is still a viable option.
Although this suggestion is based on personal experience, it was supported by others. One commenter even stated, “I tried this with a friend and it only took us 30 minutes each.”Additionally, another commenter made a fantastic suggestion to “take the opportunity to evolve Annihilape/Charcadet.”
Despite the challenges that came with these tasks, there were still people who defended them, arguing that there were even worse challenges to come. One person stated, “I would rather complete these tasks than the level 49 task requiring 50 lucky trades. At least GBL does not rely on luck.”
One alternative solution for overcoming these battle-based challenges was to avoid engaging in battles altogether. As one commenter suggested, “Instead of focusing on defeating others, just assemble a team of your weakest pokemon.”They also noted that the game will match you with opponents of similar win/loss ratios.
It seems that players can easily push through some battles by simply initiating them while engaged in other activities, as long as they are willing to accept a decrease in their Battle League ranking. By not actively participating in these battles and purposely losing a few times, players will eventually be matched with opponents who are intentionally losing as well. This strategy can result in achieving 10 wins per day without much effort.
If reaching Lv. 44 is a priority for you, then you may want to consider this option, even though it may not seem very enjoyable. In addition to battling, there are other features and upcoming events in Pokemon Go that you should be aware of, including the next Community Day.
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