Tips for Creating a Deadlock Wraith Build

Wraith is known as one of Deadlock’s strongest and most reliable carries, and it is crucial to utilize all of her abilities in order to survive against the game’s formidable roster of characters. This guide will provide you with everything you need to know in order to carry games with Wraith, including her optimal build and effective usage of her abilities.

Although Deadlock places a greater emphasis on aiming and movement compared to other MOBAs, Wraith stands out as the typical, soldier-like archetype designed for beginners. She is an excellent character to start with and has a few unique aspects in her kit that may require some adjustment.

Although Wraith is a straightforward character, she is not effortless to play. There is a distinction between the two. Luckily, we are here to provide you with the necessary tools for success with her.

Discover the optimal build for Wraith in Deadlock, complete with recommended items and strategies for leveling her abilities.

Recommended Abilities for Wraith

To provide you with an understanding of Wraith’s capabilities, here is a breakdown of her abilities:

  • 1: Card Trick
    • Deal weapon damage to summon cards. Activate to throw a card that flies toward the enemy or point under your crosshair.
      • Level 1: +1 Charge
      • Level 2: +50 damage
      • Level 3: +50% card summon rate
  • 2: Project Mind
    • Teleport to the target location
      • Level 1: +15 meter cast range
      • Level 2: Provides a 300 bullet shield for 8 seconds on teleport. Shield amount scales with spirit power
      • Level 3: -30 second cooldown
  • 3: Full Auto
    • Temporarily boosts your fire rate by 20%. Nearby allies receive half the bonus.
      • Level 1: -15 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +5 spirit damage per bullet
      • Level 3: +35% bullet lifesteal
  • 4: Telekinesis
    • Lift an enemy hero into the air, stunning them for a short time. When the lift ends, the target receives Telekinesis damage.
      • Level 1: -30 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +0.5 second duration
      • Level 3: Telekinesis will target enemies in an area around Wraith

One thing to keep in mind is that starting with Project Mind before Full Auto may be beneficial if you are facing a quick and mobile opponent like Bebop. However, the most effective starting path is usually 1 > 3 > 2 > 4. As for Wraith’s maximum path, it can be a bit more complex.

It is essential to invest 2 points in Card Trick for the extra poke and charges, and then immediately put another 2 points in Full Auto to increase the spirit damage per bullet. A single point in Telekinesis for the cooldown is recommended, followed by maxing out Project Mind.

Having the ability to reposition with a low cooldown and a strong bullet shield is crucial for maximizing weapon damage and carrying as Wraith. This is why it is essential to have the level 5 cooldown for the ability, as it is what makes Wraith such a formidable character.

Please exercise caution when using Project Mind as it may become stuck on geometry if you are too close to a wall or structure. Take a few extra steps to ensure that you do not end up teleporting and accidentally running into a wall.

The Optimal Build for Wraith in Deadlock: A Comprehensive Guide

The items listed will be categorized into four sections depending on the appropriate time to purchase them: Early game, mid game, late game/luxury items (for when you are ahead and want to further increase your advantage), and situational items.

The initial three items are relatively easy to understand, however, situational items can be purchased at any stage of the game and have varying purposes. It is beneficial to thoroughly examine this section before entering a match.

It should be noted that there is rarely a definitive build, particularly with Valve’s tendency to make significant changes to items with little warning. Nevertheless, we can still narrow down the choices and clarify why certain items should be purchased at specific stages of the game.

Keeping that in consideration, the most optimal build for Wraith in Deadlock is as follows:

Early Game Items


Wraith’s focus in the early game is on staying alive. While her 1 ability allows for some decent poking, prioritizing farming creeps is more valuable than securing kills. It is important to concentrate on strong laning techniques, denying souls, and staying alert for potential ganks.

In the category of weapon damage items, High Velocity and Slowing Bullets are essential. High Velocity can be built into Headhunter, while Slowing Bullets enable you to pursue and pester your targets. If you’re facing difficulties in the early stages, Monster Rounds can be a great option. Additionally, if you have an extra 500 souls and desire a larger magazine capacity, Basic Magazine is a solid choice.

Healing Rite is the recommended purchase if you find yourself frequently being poked out of lane, as this will likely occur in most games. If you are particularly concerned about being ambushed, consider acquiring Extra Stamina. It is advisable to hold off on buying boots until later in the game and instead concentrate on your laning phase, rather than worrying about rotating too early.

Extra Charge is beneficial if you desire additional cards for poking, while Ammo Scavenger is advantageous for those proficient in preventing the enemy from collecting souls. Keep in mind that these are considered luxuries and it is recommended to prioritize Wraith’s core weapon damage items first.

Mid Game Items


Tesla Bullets is an essential item that should be prioritized. The increase in Wraith’s fire rate and the updated proc on this item make it highly effective for tasks such as clearing camps, trading, and clearing waves. After obtaining Tesla Bullets, it is recommended to also grab Headhunter for added trading potential and bonus damage.

Bullet Lifesteal is an excellent choice for sustaining yourself, making it a more worthwhile purchase than Spirit Lifesteal when playing as Wraith. Additionally, once you have left the laning phase, it is recommended to also acquire Enduring Speed in order to efficiently navigate the map.

The Combat Barrier ability is crucial for Wraith as it allows her to quickly gain a bullet shield, increasing her weapon damage during combat. It is recommended to prioritize Spirit Armor as her 3 ability only grants a bullet shield and not a spirit one, making the resistances more beneficial.

Finally, acquire Quicksilver Reload and apply it to her 1 ability for a nearly instantaneous weapon reload. It outperforms Active Reload on Wraith, especially since the latter was weakened by recent updates. Additionally, Bullet Resist Shredder is a wise purchase, given the simplicity of incorporating spirit damage into your damage-per-second rotation.

Late Game/Luxury Items


Your go-to carry item is Lucky Shot. It’s perfect for dominating the game and can be purchased early on if you have enough cash. Additionally, Ricochet and Crippling Headshot are excellent late-game damage per second items. If you want the ultimate luxury, Titanic Magazine offers the most bullets before needing to reload.

Superior Stamina is a necessary trait for almost every character, and Wraith is certainly not an exception. It is advisable to acquire this ability after obtaining your carry items, or even earlier if you require additional mobility. Leech is highly effective for maintaining your health during battles, while Fortitude is a valuable asset for split pushing. However, if you find yourself significantly ahead and fear that one death could cost your team the game, Soul Rebirth is the ideal choice.

Mystic Slow will activate when you deal spirit damage, aiding you in pursuing your targets. Ethereal Shift is useful in situations where you are being pursued. Similarly, Diviner’s Kevlar provides valuable bonus shields that can greatly assist you.

Many players underestimate the value of Improved Reach for your ultimate ability, but it is important to prioritize leveling it up before using it. This skill increases the area of effect for Telekinesis, allowing you to potentially grab an entire enemy team if they are positioned closely together. While Rapid Charge may be seen as a luxury, it can come in handy during late game situations when you need to quickly eliminate a target by spamming cards.

Situational Items


As these items have specific purposes, we will discuss them individually to provide you with a clear understanding of when it is most appropriate to purchase them.

  • Siphon Bullets: Following its nerf, this item is no longer a necessity like it once was. If you do choose to purchase it, it will be most effective against tanks or in long-distance battles, thanks to its 45 base damage.
  • The added lifesteal and ammunition provided by Vampiric Burst may not be essential once you have Leech and Quicksilver Reload. However, it is available as a backup if needed, especially against opponents with a high amount of anti-heal and when Leech is already being used to counter it.
  • Glass Cannon: Purchase this item if you are ahead in the game and feeling confident. While it significantly reduces your maximum HP, it can be a risk worth taking, especially for Wraith who benefits from this item more than others.
  • Toxic Bullets: If you require anti-heal, this is the most effective option for you. It’s as simple as that. If you’re facing a strong opponent like Abrams who is in the lead, do not hesitate to purchase this item early on.
  • The Inhibitor is an excellent item for exchanging with other carries. It should be taken when you are falling behind and struggling with a specific target.
  • CC Cleanser: An effective tool for removing debuffs, consider purchasing early if you are frequently being immobilized.
  • Unstoppable: This item is essential when facing heavy lockdown characters such as Mo & Krill or Dynamo. Remember to activate it before you are affected by crowd control, rather than during.
  • Veil Walker: Despite the nerf, this item remains a strong choice for players looking to rotate and disrupt other lanes.
  • Hex: Highly effective in causing a single individual to have a negative experience. Often utilized to disrupt powerful players.
  • The Surge of Power is ideal for Wraith’s Project Mind ability, as it provides her with additional bullet protection and a significant increase in movement speed, allowing her to quickly escape from danger.
  • If you want to keep someone from diving on you and prefer them to keep their distance, choose Knockdown. This is a great option for countering Lash.
  • The Silence Glyph is highly effective against the same heroes that Silencer counters, but it is much more affordable and easier to obtain in the early stages of the game.
  • Slowing Hex: Whether you need to defend yourself from being dived or lock down an opponent, Slowing Hex is a versatile utility spell. It remains effective throughout the game, as Wraith’s lack of core items in the Mystic tree allows it to remain a solid choice at any stage.

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