Tips for Creating a Strong Deadlock Dynamo Build

If your goal is to play a more supportive role in Deadlock, Dynamo would be the ideal choice. Therefore, the following is the top build for this hero.

When playing as Dynamo, you may not be the star of your team, but you are certainly the one responsible for keeping your team alive with numerous abilities that can lead to winning teamfights.

Nevertheless, Dynamo can be easily neutralized if proper attention is not given. Nonetheless, he possesses the ability to lead your team to victory if utilized effectively.

Therefore, we will go over the optimal way to play Dynamo, suggest some builds that we would recommend, and discuss the order in which abilities should be used.

Best abilities to use on Dynamo

Dynamo’s capabilities include the following:

Dynamo abilities
  • 1: Kinetic Pulse
    • Release an energy pulse that knocks enemies into the air
      • Level 1: Hit enemies are fire rate and movement slowed by 40% for 4 seconds
      • Level 2: Dynamo deals 30% more Weapon Damage to hit enemies for 8 seconds
      • Level 3: +125 Damage
  • 2: Quantum Entanglement
    • Dynamo briefly disappears into the void and then reappears a short distance away. On reappearing, your weapon is reloaded and has a fire rate bonus for the next clip. Can be cast with [self cast button] to also bring nearby allies and give them half fire rate bonus.
      • Level 1: +4 meter Cast Range
      • Level 2: +25% Fire Rate Bonus
      • Level 3: On reappearing, +120% base ammo
  • 3: Rejuvenating Aurora
    • While channeling, restore health over time to you and any allies nearby.
      • Level 1: Gain +4 m/s move speed bonus for 8 seconds if Aurora is fully channeled. Gain instantly with 5AP UpgradeLevel 2: -15 second Cooldown
      • Level 3: Full move and ability use and additionally heals +4% of Max Health per second
  • 4: Singularity
    • Create a singularity in your hands that pulls in nearby enemies and damages them. Once it’s finished, enemies get knocked into the air
      • Level 1: +2 meter Singularity Radius
      • Level 2: +0.75 second Channel Duration
      • Level 3: Singularity takes 3.8% of the enemies’ max health each second

You can discover the most effective initial and maximum path for Dynamo here. While there is no definitive correct method, this is typically a reliable starting point.

Dynamo ability upgrade order

Armed with one of the most effective heals in the game, it is crucial to prioritize your Rejuvenating Aurora to ensure that you and your team can stay alive. Leveling it up as soon as possible will also allow you to use Aurora while on the move and firing, which is vital.

Even though Kinetic Pulse is a crucial ability, it is recommended to only increase its level by one in order to obtain the movement slow effect on enemies. It would be more beneficial to prioritize leveling up Aurora and your ultimate ability.

One crucial factor in determining the success of a team fight or salvaging a failed one is the use of Singularity. With its exceptional CC, it can serve as a pivotal turning point, enabling your teammates to effectively eliminate the opposing team, as long as it is utilized correctly.

Best build on Dynamo: Deadlock items explained

We will categorize the items into four sections: early game, mid-game, late game or luxury purchases, and situational items.

The initial three sections should provide you with insight into the appropriate purchases for each stage of the game. However, if you are well-fed, you are welcome to begin investing in late-game items.

Specific scenarios call for situational items, as they are designed to help counter different heroes.

Therefore, here is what you should purchase while playing Dynamo:

Early Game Items

Dynamo early game items

If you are a beginner and are having trouble adjusting to Dynamo’s slow-moving projectiles when facing long-range heroes, purchasing High-Velocity Mag will alleviate the difficulty for you.

Close Quarters is a necessary acquisition since he is skilled in close combat and it is generally preferable to engage with enemies at mid to close range.

Dynamo is not very mobile, so it is helpful to receive Extra Stamina, even though it is not essential. Due to his vulnerability, obtaining Extra Health and Healing Rite can provide additional healing for either yourself or a teammate.

Having an Extra Charge is essential because it allows you to double charge your Kinetic Pulse. Additionally, Mystic Reach is crucial as it enables your abilities to have a greater reach.

Mid Game Items

Dynamo mid game items

Pristine Emblem is an excellent initial purchase to assist your team in quickly defeating enemies. Additionally, Point Blank is a highly recommended item for close-range combat situations.

Enhanced Cooldown and Extended Duration are excellent choices for Dynamo, whose abilities often have long cooldown periods. We prefer to equip Aurora with Enhanced Cooldown and Singularity with Extended Duration.

Investing in the Healing Booster is a wise decision, as it significantly enhances your healing abilities and allows you to play a crucial role in team battles.

While Dynamo may lack mobility, it is beneficial to have Enduring Stamina, Superior Stamina, and Kinetic Dash. Additionally, Majestic Leap is essential for providing an escape from challenging situations.

Late Game/Luxury Items

Dynamo late game items

At this stage of the game, it is expected that you will initiate fights with your Singularity by teleporting in, making it crucial to acquire Unstoppable. This will prevent enemies from interrupting your actions before you have the chance to execute them.

This is also why Improved Bullet Armor and Improved Spirit Armor are excellent options, as they provide enough sustain to allow you to confidently engage in team fights.

Having both Superior Cooldown and Refresher is crucial as they help keep your cooldowns at a minimum. With Refresher, you can use Singularity twice in a team fight, making it a valuable tool.

Having Improved Reach is beneficial as it builds on the foundation of Mystic Reach, allowing you to utilize your abilities from a greater distance.

Combining Spiritual Overflow, an excellent damage item with strong scaling in the late game, with Inhibitor, which slows enemies, will provide you with a powerful poke that can be deadly.

Situational items

Dynamo situational items

As these items are dependent on specific situations, we will provide an explanation of when you should utilize them.

  • One of Dynamo’s weaknesses is his limited movement abilities, making Warp Stone a valuable tool if you find yourself in the midst of a dive.
  • Hunter’s Aura: If you are having trouble in a lane, Hunter’s Aura can assist you in regaining control against your opponent.
  • Divine Barrier can be a lifesaver in the mid-game if you find yourself getting overwhelmed and in danger of being defeated. It provides enough protection for you to activate your ultimate ability and for your team to secure the victory.
  • The Restorative Locket is a useful tool for providing healing when needed. It is especially beneficial for replenishing the health of your teammates or even yourself.
  • If you are constantly being targeted by enemies and have a large number of debuffs, Debuff Remover is a useful tool to have.
  • Metal Skin: If you are facing opponents with high bullet damage, Metal Skin is an ideal choice. Activating it as you charge into battle will allow you to use your ultimate ability effectively.
  • If your strategy involves targeted dives, Slowing Hex is an excellent choice as it allows you to lure enemies into close combat, where you excel.
  • Rapid Recharge: As Rapid Recharge is based on Extra Charge, it can be beneficial if you intend to play more aggressively by providing you with a third charge for Kinetic Pulse.
  • Curse: If there is a highly fed enemy that you and your team want to focus on, using Curse is an effective way to render them vulnerable and make it easier for your team to attack them.

Despite being one of the top supportive heroes, you may not always stand out and may even be the first to fall in battle when facing the enemy. However, your presence is absolutely essential for a successful team composition.

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