Tips for Efficient Soul Farming in Deadlock

Tips for Efficient Soul Farming in Deadlock

Farming Souls is the ultimate objective in Valve’s Deadlock, a MOBA game. Souls hold the key to obtaining powerful items and upgrades. To maximize your Souls collection in every match, here are the top methods to quickly accumulate them.

After being shrouded in mystery for months, Deadlock has finally become a reality, albeit in limited form. Valve’s highly-anticipated shooter-focused MOBA is currently in its early access phase with minimal promotion from the renowned publisher.

In spite of this, the floodgates have opened, and thousands of people are quickly immersing themselves in the game, dedicating numerous hours to it. With its intricate blend of third-person hero shooter and MOBA elements, there is a lot to grasp.

At the forefront of everything in Deadlock are Souls, the game’s distinctive currency. They play a crucial role in every aspect of your gameplay, making it essential to understand how they operate and how to quickly accumulate them.

Souls in Deadlock: Explaining the game’s currency

In Deadlock, Souls serve as the exclusive currency. Every action you take during a match will earn you a certain amount of Souls, which can be utilized in various ways to aid your team’s progress throughout the game.

By defeating the simplest enemies (Lane Troopers) as well as defeating opposing heroes, you will quickly accumulate Souls and increase your impact. As you earn more, your hero level will continue to rise. Each milestone offers unique enhancements to your character’s stats, with standard bonuses such as higher bullet and melee damage and overall health improvements.

All 12 players in the lobby are determined to collect the maximum number of Souls. You can easily monitor your progress by looking at the top of your HUD, just below your character’s icon. It is essential to keep track of these indicators to stay informed about your opponents’ progress in gathering Souls.

Urn completion in Deadlock

Souls can be earned by completing just about any objective in Deadlock.

Souls not only assist in leveling up, but they also accumulate in your personal bank as you gather them. These Souls can then be utilized at The Curiosity Shop to acquire additional advantages that can aid your hero in excelling.

At this point, you have the opportunity to customize your ideal build according to the current situation. If your hero requires additional health, explore the Vitality section for suitable items. Similarly, if your character needs more agility or weapon enhancements, there are appropriate items available.

The least expensive items in each category are priced at 500 Souls, whereas the most expensive items cost 6,300 Souls.

Although you can view the store from any location on the map, you can only buy items at the physical Curiosity Shops located throughout the map. Each team has four shops distributed across the four lanes, and there is a secret store in the center accessible to both teams. So, be cautious when traveling to this area.

In summary, acquiring Souls is crucial for leveling up and enhancing core stats, as well as obtaining additional items in the store. It is a vital aspect of the game, so keep reading to learn the most effective ways to quickly gather Souls.

Best Ways to Farm Souls in Deadlock

Being efficient with Lane Troopers

The first priority for farming Souls is to protect the Troopers in your lane. Similar to other MOBAs, Deadlock includes AI ‘minions’ that mindlessly push forward in their designated lanes.

At regular intervals of approximately 30 seconds, a new wave emerges, consisting of three Ranged Troopers and one Healer Trooper. Their sole objective is to advance at any cost, leaving it up to you to eliminate the enemy’s troops efficiently.

Dealing damage to Lane Troopers results in their quick demise. Each Trooper yields 75 Souls at the beginning of a match. However, eliminating them is only half the task. During the first ten minutes of a game, defeating a Trooper only grants you 50% of their Souls.

When Troopers perish, they release an orb above their bodies. Quickly damaging this orb is necessary in order to gather the remaining 50% of their Souls.

As the match continues, Troopers not only provide more Souls, but the percentage split also shifts. After 10 minutes, killing Troopers no longer yields any Souls. Instead, the full 100% can only be obtained by damaging their orbs in one swift action.

Deadlock orbs of Souls

Killing a Trooper is only half the battle in Deadlock. You must destroy the floating orbs they emit as well.

Although it may seem simple to experienced MOBA players, there is much more to it than just the fundamentals.

After successfully eliminating a Trooper, players from the opposing team can retrieve their floating orb. This makes it imperative for you to land the final blow in order to not only stop the enemy from dominating your lane, but also to gain an advantage.

Similarly, it is important to constantly monitor enemies in your lane. If you notice them hesitating to finish off their Troopers, taking advantage of the opportunity and quickly shooting can help you gain Souls and stay ahead.

Another helpful tip to keep in mind is that melee attacks can bypass the usual process. By using a melee attack as the final hit on any Trooper, you can instantly secure 100% of its Souls. Not only does this method save time compared to shooting, but it also eliminates the risk of enemies stealing any of your hard-earned currency.

Help your team tackle Jungle Camps

In Deadlock, the all-important Jungle Camps are similar to those found in other MOBAs, with additional objectives to complete outside of the regular lanes. These Jungle Camps are divided into three Tiers.

Each Jungle Camp contains a distinct enemy or group of enemies. Defeating them will yield a specific amount of Souls. It is important to mention that the Souls collected in this scenario are not guaranteed to be safe.

Converting Unsecured Souls into usable currency takes time. This means that after defeating enemies at a Jungle Camp, you must wait before being able to use all of the Souls.

There is an additional danger associated with Unsecured Souls. If you are defeated while waiting for them to convert, any remaining Unsecured Souls will be left behind on the ground. These can be picked up by anyone, including enemies. Therefore, it is important to be cautious after clearing Jungle Camps, particularly higher-tier ones. Additionally, it is crucial to keep an eye on fallen enemy bodies. Taking their unsecured souls is a key strategy to gain an advantage.

Deadlock Jungle Camp

Clearing Jungle Camps is among the most important and effective ways of gathering Souls in Deadlock.

Tier 1 Jungle Camps are considered to be low-level enemies, making them easily soloable with minimal danger. These camps initially grant 45 Souls, but will grant more as the game progresses. The map contains a total of six Tier 1 Jungle Camps dispersed throughout.

By the time they spawn at the seven-minute mark, you should be able to solo the slightly more challenging Tier 2 Jungle Camps. These camps will give you 95 Souls to start with, and this amount will continue to increase as the match progresses. In total, there are 25 Tier 2 camps scattered throughout the map.

Moreover, it is worth noting that Tier 3 Jungle Camps pose the greatest challenge and necessitate collaboration with your team. These camps appear on the map after seven minutes and reward players with 240 Souls upon initial spawn, with their value progressively rising. It is important to note that there are eight Tier 3 camps scattered throughout the map.

In Deadlock, there are numerous bonus objectives available for you to complete. It is important to consistently farm Troopers in your lane and nearby Jungle Camps. This will result in earning more Souls over time as you clear more objectives.

The following is a brief overview of Jungle Camps and their important details:

Tier Spawn time Symbol on map Souls provided (base level) Number of Jungle Camps on map
Tier 1 2 minutes into the game Triangle 45 6
Tier 2 7 minutes into the game Triangle with a single line underneath 95 25
Tier 3 7 minutes into the game Triangle with two lines underneath 240 8

Taking Care of Lane & Map Objectives

In addition to individual lane objectives, there are also overall map objectives for your team. These are significant advantages and some of the most valuable aspects of the game, providing a fast way to accumulate Souls.

Although they cannot be streamlined at the beginning, the game’s main objectives still demand a coordinated effort from multiple players, and at times, from the entire team.

Similar to Jungle Camps, each lane has three specific objectives that are divided into three tiers.

At Tier 1, there are Guardians who, when defeated, grant 275 Souls to all team members and an Ability Point.

At Tier 2, there is a Walker that needs to be taken care of, providing 750 Souls to each member of your team and an additional Ability Point.

At Tier 3, you will encounter the Dual Guardians, powerful bosses that do not reward Souls upon defeat. However, defeating them will enable you to progress and face two Shrines. Each Shrine yields 500 Souls, which can be divided among all members of your team for a total of 1,000 Souls.

Deadlock Objective

Clearing Objectives not only helps build your pile of Souls, but these are vital to outright winning the game too.

In addition to the standard objectives, you will also need to pay attention to a few extra tasks. One of these is collecting Urns, which will start appearing 10 minutes into the match in either the Yellow or Purple lane. Your task is to find these Urns and carry them to the opposite side of the map. Once you deposit them in the designated Green location, all players on your team will receive a predetermined amount of Souls.

When carrying an Urn, you gain increased movement speed on the map, but are unable to perform any attacks or use abilities. Therefore, it is crucial for at least one other player to provide defense for the Urn carrier. Additionally, the player who deposits the Urn will receive a 25% bonus to the Souls collected, as a reward for their daring task.

The final challenge is the Mid Boss, who appears at the 10-minute mark. This massive creature is not easily defeated, so it is crucial to gather as many players as possible from your team to face it. Defeating the Mid Boss can earn each player 1,750 Souls, making it the most lucrative target currently in the game.

Killing enemies is always a plus

Naturally, a MOBA wouldn’t be complete without some thrilling hero-versus-hero battles. Deadlock definitely delivers on this front, as you are generously rewarded for directly vanquishing your foes. Every elimination presents an excellent opportunity to quickly accumulate Souls, so it’s important to constantly scan the battlefield for vulnerable enemies.

Don’t Forget About Destructibles

As a helpful suggestion, remember to pay attention to the destructible objects placed throughout the map. Boxes are abundant and can be easily destroyed with gunfire or melee attacks. While they may not always contain Souls, it’s always worth taking a moment to check and potentially earn some extra Souls. Don’t hesitate to break through the map whenever possible.

Always be productive in your lane

As you now understand the basics, it is important to emphasize effective time management. During the initial learning phase, it is understandable that you may not be optimizing every minute. However, as you progress, prioritizing this should be your main concern.

Every second spent playing the game is important. Instead of using up a few valuable minutes per match browsing through items to purchase, have a clear understanding of your ideal build before starting. Instead of aimlessly wandering with no goal, stay productive.

Spending time standing around should be a rarity. There is always more to do, whether it’s taking care of Troopers, clearing Jungle Camps, assisting your team with bigger objectives, or breaking boxes. By staying in constant motion and keeping track of your next batch of Souls, you will gain a significant advantage over your opponents.

By utilizing all of the tips mentioned above, you can maximize every moment and soon find yourself ahead of the opposing team, on your way to securing a victorious win.

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