Top 10 Most-Played Champions in Ranked League of Legends Matches

In Ranked Solo Duo, League of Legends presents players with a selection of more than 160 unique characters to choose from. Nevertheless, certain champions have gained greater popularity compared to others. Here are the top 10 most frequently played champions in League of Legends.

Despite being released in 2009, Riot’s popular MOBA League of Legends remains a highly played game. Over the years, the company has continuously added new champions to the game to keep players engaged and entertained. With the vast selection of champions available and only 10 slots per game, certain champions have undoubtedly emerged as the most favored among players.

The list provided below outlines the top champions currently dominating the League of Legends Ranked Solo Queue, as reported by

Champion Spotlight: Yone

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Older brother Yone is just as popular as his younger brother.

Yone, the older brother of Yasuo, is a highly favored champion in solo queue. He possesses a strong sense of self-sufficiency and excels in the later stages of the game. With his Soul Unbound ability, he can effortlessly dash into team fights and eliminate enemy backline threats before returning to his spirit form.

Similarly to his brother, Yone tends to stay within the top 10 most popular champions, but may occasionally climb higher in the rankings when the current items and meta are in his favor.

9 – Yasuo

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Yasuo has always remained one of the most popular picks in League of Legends.

Yasuo has once again risen in popularity and reclaimed a spot in the top 10 picks for solo queue. The wind-slinging samurai has consistently been a favorite in ranked games. He typically remains in the top 10 and experiences a surge in popularity whenever his itemization is favorable, prompting more players to choose him due to his strong statistics.

Despite any changes, he remains a dominant force in solo queue, able to effortlessly dominate games and divide opposing teams when ahead. With his exceptional mobility, high damage output, and a playstyle that can become very addicting, it’s no surprise that he continues to be a highly favored champion.

8 – Lee Sin

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Lee Sin’s powerful capabilities as an early-game jungler make him an attractive pick for solo queue.

Lee Sin is a popular choice among players who enjoy being proactive in the early game as a jungler. His kit offers high mobility and strong abilities, allowing him to clear camps and gank lanes quickly and effectively. This gives his team an advantage before he is eventually outpaced by other champions. Lee Sin’s ability to greatly impact the map in the early stages of the game is unmatched, making him an ideal choice for junglers who want to lead their team to victory.

7 – Smolder

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Smolder is seeing a resurgence in solo queue after taking some time off.

Despite his initially flawed design, Smolder possessed immense potential as a champion. By utilizing his Q ability to its full potential, he could transform into a formidable force in the late game, dealing significant damage based on a percentage of his opponent’s health and even executing them.

Despite Riot’s repeated nerfs to Smolder, the dragon has fallen off the radar for a significant period of time. Nevertheless, the young dragon is now prepared to soar once again and has regained its popularity in solo queue.


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Caitlyn stands as a strong and capable ADC that works well in the hands of skilled players.

At the moment, Piltovian Sheriff Caitlyn ranks as the sixth most popular champion. Thanks to her long range, strong damage output, and playmaking potential, Caitlyn can be a surprisingly formidable champion in the hands of a skilled player.

The ADC has the ability to intimidate and push other opponents out of lane. While their power may decrease slightly in the mid-game, they regain their strength as a dominant carry in the late game.

Champion Spotlight: Jhin

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Lux maintains her spot as a popular champion pick for ranked.

The 5th most popular slot in League belongs to the Lady of Luminosity. Lux’s kit is easy to execute and her combo potential enables her to secure takedowns from a distance, making her an ideal choice for picking off or harassing enemies.

Despite initially being a mid laner, Lux has recently become popular as a support due to her ability to poke, snare, and shield, which greatly aids her ADC in navigating through the early laning phase.

Champion Spotlight: Kai’Sa

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Kai’sa’s overloaded kit makes her incredibly powerful in solo queue, and she remains a go-to hyper carry.

Ever since her debut, Kai’Sa has remained one of the most highly sought-after champions in League of Legends. The constantly evolving ADC boasts a kit that is filled with numerous abilities, including an attack-speed boost, invisibility, an on-hit passive, a long-distance dash and shield, and much more.

Kai’Sa’s excessively versatile abilities and her aptitude for making decisive moves have solidified her position as one of the most powerful champions to select, particularly in a constantly changing solo queue setting.

3 – Miss Fortune

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Miss Fortune’s insane synergy with critical strike items makes her a potent ADC.

Miss Fortune’s popularity is currently due to her powerful auto attacks and the effectiveness of critical strike items such as Infinity Edge. Her passive ability, Love Tap, allows her to deal significant damage, which is amplified by her critical strike damage.

Her ultimate ability, Bullet Time, is widely considered to be one of the most iconic in League. When used strategically, it has the potential to completely shift the outcome of a team fight.

2 – Ezreal

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Fan favorite Ezreal is still one of the most popular champions to date.

Ezreal, the spell-slinging ADC from Piltovia, has gained immense popularity among players of League of Legends. He is highly favored in regions such as Korea for his mobility, burst damage, and poke abilities, making him one of the most challenging and skill-intensive champions in the MOBA game.

Despite not relying on critical strikes like other ADCs, Ezreal’s recent build has been discovered, allowing him to make a comeback in the meta even without being able to take advantage of Infinity Edge like other champions.


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Jhin’s burst and high damage make him a powerful ADC.

It is no surprise that Jhin, the sniper marksman, is currently one of the most sought-after champions. His powerful skill set allows him to deliver significant damage and also offer valuable support to his team.

Not only is Jhin an enjoyable and one-of-a-kind ADC, but his reload mechanic sets him apart from other typical ADCs and allows him to play more like a burst mage.

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